
On the other hand, men’s underwear ads seem to be marketed to women.

Jesus. How did your family react? I have a sinking feeling I know, but I hope I’m wrong.

Not even a fraction of the pile Stephen King threw out.

I was with the idea until you said that, then:

What I take from this is that as long as it looks cool and you can tell who it’s supposed to be, Oda don’t give a fuck. Given his work schedule, I don’t blame him.

Looks like the exchange occurred on an iPhone, so he was probably having siri transcribe for him.

Don’t forget:

Just want to say, as a former creepy shoulder rubber, I never realized how uncomfortable I made women. I honestly thought I was being nice and that it might somehow lead to a relationship. It fills me with (well-earned) shame whenever I read comments like yours. I don’t blame anyone for not calling me out, I blame our

Maybe a person wants to see another with sour gummi bears on another’s stomach.

I had to share with you and Moutarderie how Kinja decided to display your posts.

I had to share with you and GleamingTerrier the way Kinja decided to display your posts:

What about taco salad?

I am a terrible person, but seeing that there’s already a burgeoning fandom, I had to do something. I’m just not sure why I did this:

Batwoman was raped by a vampire

Technically what he did shouldn’t even be pedophilia, it’s called ephebophilia.

You misspelled Millennials. Not nitpicking, it just jumped out at me because I have the chrome app that changes all instances of “Millennial” to “Pesky Whipper-Snapper.”

As bizarre as that is...what else could those three letters have been?

Everyone assumed the song was about one person. Now that we know it’s about three different people the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

I just don’t want to have to update my bookmarks.

Showers aren’t as important as you think. It’s actually not good for you to wash with soap every day. Also, there are other ways of cleaning than with soap and water: Greeks and Romans would douse themselves in aromatic oil and scrape it off to get rid of the dirt.