I had to share with you and Moutarderie how Kinja decided to display your posts.
I had to share with you and Moutarderie how Kinja decided to display your posts.
I had to share with you and GleamingTerrier the way Kinja decided to display your posts:
What about taco salad?
Technically what he did shouldn’t even be pedophilia, it’s called ephebophilia.
You misspelled Millennials. Not nitpicking, it just jumped out at me because I have the chrome app that changes all instances of “Millennial” to “Pesky Whipper-Snapper.”
As bizarre as that is...what else could those three letters have been?
Everyone assumed the song was about one person. Now that we know it’s about three different people the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.
You don’t come to Jezebel and post a defense of AXE body spray without being either pretty confident in yourself, a complete fool, or both.
Can I have my 10th grade knees back too?
Why thank you, sir!
I didn’t have great answers for her
I resent you comparing AXE body spray to FHM. Axe is perfectly acceptable when used with restraint, and not as a replacement for actual hygiene. I use it myself and I’ve received many compliments from women—provided they had no idea what my “cologne” actually was.
Right wing logic.
Getting knocked unconscious is serious business. If someone loses consciousness, they should always go to the hospital as a precautionary measure. There is literally no way to tell except with brain scans whether someone just got their bell rung a little bit, or if they could have a life-threatening hemorrhage.
Bravo, my friend. You are the only person other than myself who I’ve seen put that much thought into products of so little cultural value.
But at what age would he shank Hitler?
There’s a running joke between me and my friends online, where one of us will greet the other with “Yo,” and if the other’s had a bad day, they reply “Oy.” Not really a funny joke, just one of those shibboleths close friends develop. So that’s how I read it: Going one way, it’s a greeting, going the other way, it’s…