It’s to make sure that you read the whole thing in Dolores Umbridge’s voice, but she doesn’t realize that you need to set the tone at the beginning.
It’s to make sure that you read the whole thing in Dolores Umbridge’s voice, but she doesn’t realize that you need to set the tone at the beginning.
Not since the end of the war between the Sand Castle and the Lego Fort. Many bothans died defending the Lego Fort.
True words. If you want to see a shining example of this in action, catch up on the ongoing Jim Sterling/Digital Homicide saga. A shitty, shady developer run by two brothers (who may or may not have any other employees), they threatened legal action for defamation because of an error he made and corrected, the same…
I don’t feel it’s unfair, as the song is horribly problematic to modern ears. It’s fine to be really uncomfortable with it, just as it’s fine to like it (I still kinda like it, depending on the rendition).
I disagree. It’s important we re-interpret things through a more modern context. Even if it isn’t itself rapey (which I now know it isn’t), it’s still steeped in aspects of rape culture that we’ve romanticized as “the good old days.”
Just wanted to say, thanks. You gave me an interesting new perspective I’d never considered before.
I’m no expert, but....this FC thing seems a whole lot like a Ouija board. I don’t see how it’s possible to separate the doctor from the patient and tell which one of them is actually doing the guiding—even for the doctor herself! She might think he’s pulling her one way, but it’s actually her pulling him. I think she…
One of my favorite little details in the last game was part of the upgrade system. It was automatic after a certain point, and IIRC you weren’t told in advance.
Who said that? They’ve clearly never heard Mandarin. It’s why, if given a choice, I always set the audio on my cheesy subtitled kung-fu movies to Cantonese. Mandarin is just...metallic is the only way I can describe it.
...actually, because she is paid to share her opinion, and you are not, it is—by the strictest definition—worth more than yours.
I never thought of her costumes as “cutesy.” Maybe a little, but in an uncomfortable way. Like a little girl playing dress-up with the clothes Mommy dances in.
Man, didn’t expect the Yellow Kid to grow up to be such a badass.
I thought I was pretty awful at housework, but apparently that only applies selectively. A few weeks ago my companion* was helping me dig out** while I was trying to get my card-sorting in order.*** She left for the day and told me to put the stuff in the washer in the dryer, and when I looked I almost had a nervous…
As did a Darkwing Duck comic in Disney Adventures! magazine.
Going off of how strong this dude was, I have no doubt that he could have physically lifted her desk—with her on it—and carried her out into the hallway.
Oh, and another thing, didn’t want this to go unsaid but only realized it outside the edit window: