
I agree. iTunes is horrible.

I love the idea. Being 6'4" and mostly leg I have a miserable experience sitting in those cramped seats for any extended period of time. I'd much prefer to stand honestly.

I have a Razer Naga. I really like the mouse. I installed the software when I first got it. I had driver issues with other things after that. I have since reformatted my PC, and left the software off. It works great as a 17 button mouse with no software. I use it for MMOs and FPS.

I used wooden watermelon crates as my living room furniture for years. This styling looks the same.

Prime is awesome. I go into shock when I have to buy something from somewhere else online. I have been building a go kart with my son, and most parts come from ebay, or small shops online. Spending $15-$20 and having to wait a week for delivery seems so preposterous after getting used to 2 day shipping for free.

Meh.. I don't care. It's not any worse than the Samsung logo at the top. I have never been a fan of samsung hardware... I'm not a fan of Verizon either. It's a nexus phone for me next year. I hope Asus or Motorola has a Nexus phone by then.

First, if at all possible I buy things that have no DRM at all. If I don't have a choice, and if it doesn't come without DRM, I always strip it off and back it up.

I call FAKE! You think it is a coincidence that this has surfaced during a presidential election?

Yup just got this email last night. Saves me an extra step of having to download the torrent. But now I have to fast forward through commercials...

This would be awesome if this was in between the light bulb and where you screw it in. I would like to use my own bulbs, and when one burns out I wouldn't have to replace just the bulb, not the whole unit.

If it's possible to remove it from the air, at least we would be able to keep the levels where they should be. It would at least end the squawking of the global warming people....

How can you say it is the best MP3 player ever with all those problems and bugs? Have all other MP3 players sucked that much ass before this one? It's the 7th generation for god's sake... You'd think a company like Apple could release something as simple as an MP3 player that can play music without a glitch. "It just

As tradition dictates with Apple, Form always takes precedence over Function.

Exactly... Gizmodo has become a snorer. I'm tired of the if it's not an Apple it's crap attitude.

No no no.. I was responding to the actual post. Who's Rich Boy?

I work on, and use a lot Apple equipment for my job. I have to say, I really like the more recent Apple hardware. I have yet to find another laptop that feels as good in my hand as my MacBook Pro I have for work. That being said, I have not ever bought a single piece of apple technology, nor do I have any plans of

I have used Ubuntu, but unfortunately my Windows machine is my gaming "console" Ubuntu 12.10 Won't run Battlefield 3 very well last time I checked.

More choice is a good thing. I hope that every manufacturer has the option to make a Nexus device. Now that would be awesome.

A wee bit like my wife....

I usually have no patience for frivolous lawsuits, but since Apple has made suing everybody it's priority, I applaud this lady, and encourage anybody and everybody else to sue apple. The company has really started disgusting me.