
It depends on where I am. If I'm at my desk in front of my computer, I'll just use that. If I'm away from my computer, I'll just whip out my phone and use that.

Yeah... Those cables cost 3x more than my first car. If anybody has actually paid that much for those cables, they should be slapped. Trying to sell those cables for that much money deserves a swift kick to the nuts!

Besides the fact that I like Android a lot more than I like iOS, one main reason why I will not buy an iphone is that I HATE proprietary adapters. Apple is too special to use the micro USB that EVERYBODY else uses...

Looks bad.

I'm married though, so I suppose I won't be on a date. Luckily my wife doesn't think any less of me after I lick my fingers off and wipe the sweat off my brow with a napkin.

"One time I went on an OKCupid date with a guy who ordered hot wings, licked his fingers, and wiped a fountain of sweat off his forehead with a paper napkin. Needless to say, I never went out with him again."

Why is the holster 10x bigger than what it is holding?

I have a Droid Razr Maxx. It doesn't get hot. It's battery life is awesome. Only downside is it's not a Nexus device, so I have to wait at least 6 months to get the updates... But I have ICS and it works every bit as nice as I could ask for with the Eclipse rom...

Maybe it's just me, but I haven't found anything on my iPad that I use that is not on Android.

I went the other way, I had an iPad before I had a smart phone. I realized that iOS annoyed the crap out of me with it's MANY limitations. I then made the correct choice and got an android phone. I love android, and I am so glad I don't have an iPhone

I agree.

Many places (including where I live) a person does not have the ability to press charges (or not) in a domestic battery case. The reason for this is battered spouses were afraid of pressing charges because they would have to face retribution after.

This has no chance of competing with the Nexus 7, at least in my opinion. There is no way it will be in the $199-$249 price range.

"I can say confidently that it's the best smartphone you can buy."

I use a cheap thin TPU case. It is the same color as my phone (black) to me, it is barely noticeable. I have dropped my phone 4 times. Twice on concrete. I know what happens to metal, glass, and plastic when dropped on concrete. It's not pretty.

That's just what we need to do... Make more allowances for drunks!

I'm very quickly getting to this point...

These companies already rape us on the over priced plans. They make it worse by not using lube when they rape us again for the data. I'm not surprised they continue the trend by trying to charge extra for every feature the phone might have.

Umm sad thing is, you do have to pay for an xbox live account... That's one major reason I have a PS3.

Audiophiles seem ridiculous to me, and I have no intention to listen to a top of the line audio setup. Right now I am happy with what I have. I have spent around $1000 on my entire audio gear. That includes my home, car, and portable. My home theater sounds awesome to me, my car allows me to crank it up and jam when