
"Because I can" is truly terrifying.

Fuck religion, fuck tradition, fuck being a sheep and following what's "popular". Am I offending anyone? I don't give a fuck. Stop mutilating baby boys. Whatever the original reason for doing this (stop masturbation, prevent infection because a parent was a fucktard and didn't wash their child's penis, religious

One day those kids will be adults. You teach them to brush their teeth so that they still have them when they grow up. You cut off the end of their penis because...?

We were made this way for a reason, then the sand dwellers didn't know how to clean themselves so they started lopping off the tops. Now science tells us it's not necessary, so why doesn't the argument go back to "this is how were were designed." You don't buy a sedan and then cut the top off to make it a convertible.

Who told you we want our body parts anywhere near your mouth, I'm uncut and have had a perfectly normal sex life in the U.S with not a single female to ever decline me in the bed room solely on the reason that I was uncut. Females like you are the reason this logic of "its ugly cut it off" even exists, its sick. I

Imagine a culture that would routinely cut off a piece of a every child's earlobe. Having done that for generations they would arrive at modern times and argue, that the person can still hear just as well if not better with the earlobe partially removed (say, sounds coming from behind a person). Then they would go on

Its really, really simple. Europe: socialised healthcare, doesn't do unnecessary procedures. America: privatised healthcare, adds circumcision to the price of giving birth because it makes doctors more money. That's all there is to it.

Its a computer, not a piece of art. The Apple brand is getting perpetually less useful and more proprietary. I don't see how anyone can take this brand seriously.

You've never heard of Linux? It's running this server, and 80% of the worlds web servers, and it's free. Many people spent countless hours creating a work that doesn't need to be charged money to acquire. And even before the notion of intellectual property, people created many artistic works, research, etc. without

I did some research on it a month or so ago, just out of curiosity. It looks like Thunderbolt2 finally solves the bandwidth problem in a standardized connector, so I'm just hoping this sort of thing takes off. Give me a mid-range $600 laptop with integrated graphics and let me plug in a kickass GPU when I actually

I find the anti-DIY tenor of the comments here very disappointing, especially since this is LH. I've had DIY disasters, but the end product has always been as good as—or better than—any professional. Frankly, I've learned a lot from experiences have been the result of DIY projects that have uncovered (or resulted