
So... you're either goth, the grim reaper, or Johnny Cash..

As soon as they invent a pair of sunglasses that don't get scratched, and I can't lose, I may pay $150 for a pair. (and probably still not at that price.) Until then, I'll make do with my $12 specials.

I seriously doubt it. Most people already have a DVD player. Why would people feel the need to buy one as long as their current DVD player works? I have a blueray, and I almost always just play regular DVDs on it. the majority of people (mostly older) will probably say that they don't even notice a difference between

Gizmodo is a US run entity, therefore they use US measurements. take 5 seconds and ask google to convert it for you, or go read some European blog.

An interactive mirror that fulfills my manimal fantasies? I am so disappointed to find out what this really is. The title had me at half mast just thinking of the possibilities.

Most of the time the feeling you think is hunger is actually thirst. That's what I tell myself anyway. I just drink water if I feel hungry in between meals. That tends to satisfy my stomach most of the time.

I love how fabricated internet slang is not even immune from the grammar police.

I hate picky eaters. If I spend the time cooking a meal, I see it as a slap in the face if somebody looks at my food and says eeww I don't like that.

I'm the same way. Except I sleep a little more than you. 6-7 hours typically. At hour 7 I'm usually wide awake. If I sleep more than 7 (usually on my days off and I stay in bed drowsing in and out of sleep) I feel groggy and tired all day. My wife thinks I'm crazy. She can sleep 12+ hours if left alone. I think

You say potato... The mental health field is *far* from an exact science. I truly believe that well over half of what "the professionals" take as fact today will be debunked within 50 years. I know what I am, and I know I overcame what many people call a disorder. You call it whatever you want, but I lived it.

Yes, you are right. I was a slob. A major slob. I was also lazy. I still had everything I had owned since I was 14 years old at the age of 30. I kept every box for every item I bought. My house was so full my back yard started filling up. I could not throw anything away. I would have something as simple as a paper

I had one of these and I didn't like it because it "bounced" with every movement. It drove me crazy.

THANK YOU! I used to be a "hoarder" I overcame my "disease" by getting up off my LAZY ass, and I cleaned my house. It took me 5 solid days. I have since kept it clean. I'm cured!

All the meth addicts I have known. (unfortunately, I've known quite a few) are lazy slobs when it comes to housework. They spend all their spare time trying to find money or other resources to trade for their addiction, and when they have the drugs, they spend the rest of the time abusing it and partying. Not too much

Not good! Considering you could pick up a 32GB SD for $30.

I totally agree with this guy. I cannot stand playing the JRPGs I always thought it was because of the horrible dialog (possibly caused by translation) But the reasons he listed are all applicable for me as well.

I looked at your attached image and saw a slightly frumpy girl...

I've been playing my PC a ton recently. Steam has been working great. I love Skyrim and I just started looking at some of the mods... It just makes me wonder why do I own so many console games.

Huh. I'm sure he makes more money than I do. Maybe I need to start wearing tampons.

If you complain about something caused by your own actions... Sounds pretty dumb to me.