
I have a problem with websites having my personal information. I have a problem with what I am doing posted online for others to see.

Holy crap! How are you spying on my innermost private moments?

Oh Nooooooo! Not all my istuff. This is a sad sad day.

Dude, Aren't you that white guy from that one movie?

I have been wishing and hoping for a zombie apocalypse for years now. I was even considering praying to Jesus, but I figured I would be ignored just like everybody else who talks to themselves.

So you have to pay to get advertisements thrown in your face... What a deal! Sign me up!

I've never understood this concept... You know where the bathroom is, you know where the toilet is. There should be at least a little ambient light for you to not have to fumble in complete darkness. And you've been sleeping, so your night vision should be at it's peak.

I was going to post the same, but you've already got my thoughts covered.

I had a Blackberry work phone. I'm not at all surprised MS has almost as many apps. In fact, I'm surprised MS doesn't have a lot more. The BB app store has always been pathetic.

Plastic has the reputation for being cheap because all the cheap crap that breaks within 3 seconds of touching it is made of plastic. Does that mean everything made of plastic is cheap? No. Does that mean everything made of metal is high quality? No. But I would rather have a high quality item made of metal than a

It also makes your wallet minimalistic by emptying it.

Everything in life is subjective. Keeping that in mind, I had full cable for years. 95% of what I found myself watching was the local free stuff. So for me, yes the rest is sub par crap. I surely wouldn't pay extra for any of it. I may as well light my money on fire.

Yes sir local channels are free. I don't need the other 800 channels of crap I'll never watch.

I am so tired of companies trying to bleed me dry with all these damn monthly "services". I don't subscribe to anything (no not even cable or internet) My father-in-law lives next door, and I was nice enough to install a wireless router for him. =)

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

I've always hated the feeling of having something strapped to me. I stopped wearing a watch as soon as I started carrying another device that tells the time... My cell phone.

I don't like bundles, unless there is the extremely rare occasion that I will actually use most if not all the bundled apps.


Ok- you build the EMP device, and I'll start skating around in anticipation of being scot-free.

I say we are overpopulated because there is just way too damn many people. I'm doing my part by not having any more kids.