He should have worn this outfit instead. It would have been beautiful.
He should have worn this outfit instead. It would have been beautiful.
I'm down with the Rock-A-Doodle.
Or at least something glorious like at Britney Spears' wedding, where the bridesmaids wore matching pink velour tracksuits and the groomsmen had white ones with "Pimps" embroidered across the back.
Sounds like the opposite of cheaper and easier to do it that way. Let's say a group gets a lowball sample request out of the blue from some anonymous corporate entity — free money, right? For the first single off of Yeezy's big new album? I'd demand a shit ton of cash for that. Besides, if the court finds you…
Seems hard to believe that Kanye wouldn't clear such a recognizable sample on the biggest track of his album. Also seems hard to believe that the guy retains any legal rights to the music put out by a group he briefly sang in when he was twelve. His complaint seems to be that he, personally, wasn't compensated, not…
Maybe it's a good thing the James Joyce 3D documentary never got off the ground.
I just like the idea that poor JT keeps inviting her to watch him perform, or be honored in front of his peers or whatever, and she's just like "I have better things to do than be your accessory! God!"
I just think she watches a lot of porn. Like, her browser history is nothing but XXX links.
I think that some unrelated gossip site made the story up, the rumors started getting traction for whatever reason, and Goopy and VF just decided to play along.
I know there's always competition within families, but the amount of rivalry there must be INSANE.
That "the day is done" thing sounds exactly like the kind of ultradramatic weirdness that would come out of MY mom's mouth. Also the part where she decides to punish you by suddenly demanding that you arrive unreasonably late rather than unreasonably early. I bet that if you went anyway and showed up at the…
I got a kick out of that story, because they've been arguing that she simply couldn't afford to pay minimum wage because her salary from the Indian government was so low. What a shocker — career bureaucrat supplements meager official earnings with graft.
Yeah, the typical kind of punishment would something ridiculous, like posting an official 24/7 doo doo guard outside the crapper in full battle rattle. That would have gotten the point across in a way that wouldn't have totally annihilated their careers, but people just do dumb shit sometimes.
Too bad Steve Harvey's ex is going to miss out on Christmas and New Years.
The ticking time bomb theory makes a lot of sense, where the network's been nervously anticipating the point where their cash cows' true colors get revealed.
Finances are confusing, and I don't pretend to understand them, but I know it's definitely possible for a network to have a hit show that's losing them money. Glenn Beck got shitcanned at the height of his popularity, when he was absolutely slaughtering the competition at CNN and MSNBC.
Another interesting thing is that rooinek, or redneck, is an Afrikaans term derisively applied to white immigrants. The idea is that they still have fair, easily burned skin that hasn't been toughened up by the sun.
Isn't he always telling stories about the kind of sinnin', rock-and-roll anus lifestyle he gave up once he found Jesus?