Yeah, I just want to have a big fucking Lego battle on there, tossing all kinds of little guys down into the pit. *pew pew pew* *nom nom nom*
Yeah, I just want to have a big fucking Lego battle on there, tossing all kinds of little guys down into the pit. *pew pew pew* *nom nom nom*
Aren't we going to discuss the implications of the Sarlacc Pit?
They had a similar plotline (amongst the many) in Cloud Atlas, where some super-duper warrior/love interest parachutes in out of nowhere to rescue the chosen one from mundanity.
I remember one quote from "I'm a Celebrity . . . Get Me Out of Here!" where he was like "I can't do this — I eat five times a day and every one of those meals costs at least $40." At the time I thought he was just being dramatic, but consider me a believer now.
I don't know about "unconsciously." That's the whole point of having Farrah's junk cast in latex.
Call not upon Crom on his great mountain. Better to be silent than draw his attention to you — he will send you dooms, not fortune! He is grim and loveless, but at birth he breathes power to strive and slay into a man's soul.
Also, criticizing her musical performance makes God mad, so she's taking the high road and smoothing things out between you two through the power of prayer.
Lindsay Lohan just really likes screaming at people at nightclubs and parties. Probably other places, too. I've read a ton of stories where she might take an instant dislike to someone, or maybe she imagines that they're associated with someone she's beefing with or jealous of, and out of nowhere she's got a bouncer…
Yeah, I was thinking Freudian slip on your part.
Hey, I would have been faster with the correction if I hadn't bothered to find that stupid picture!
It's Leah Remini, though she is quite thin.
I like that the Mob Wives christened their reality show naval style by going upside each others' heads with a bottle of bub at the premier. Tradition!
Genius on the same level as the KetchupBot.
Assuming that the particulars of the Vanity Fair story are true — that there really is a hit piece out on Goopy that she's working to suppress, does it make sense that they would cave on this issue? Is the threat of having a shitty Oscar party really so bad? Seems kind of like a fucked set of priorities for the…
I think a lot of the creep factor comes from him not so much being "off-brand" as "crossed with Julian Assange."
I actually really like this thing that Justin Bieber's doing with the spray paint, because he's ruining it for everyone else. Otherwise, I could see ridiculously untalented cartoon scrawls becoming a lot more popular amongst douchebag celebrities. He sucks so bad that it really might nip all this Banksy shit in the…
Damn, K-Stew and Edward.
Penalty on LaChapelle for Intentional Crowning.
He's a busy man, but he's also ten times the primadonna Bey could ever be. Spinning stories like this is how he got famous in the first place, and I wouldn't be so quick to trust self-aggrandizing anecdote #325,727 from the master of self promotion.