Lucky Frog

Get a load of the brothers on safari.

She's always struck me as somewhat terrifying. A lot of people would take all that privilege and use it to be as stupid and insufferable as they want (looking at you, Donald Jr). Instead, she's only become more beautiful, more polished, and more sophisticated. She's like the acme of good genes and money.

Separated in 2011, divorced last year. They drifted apart for a while — too much focus on conquering Eternia, not enough on the relationship.

Baby first, then wedding. As you do.

Is that photo unedited, or did somebody Woll Smoth Haley Joel Osmont?

I like Levar's old hairdo and Carl Weathers 'stache.

Don't get me started. I'm singing "Bindery" to a dog right now.

Now playing

If I was going to criticize them, I'd say that despite their name, I don't see a whole lot of teamwork in their dancing. Now this is Teamwork.

Maybe there's a trend developing where older, married women "unexpectedly" become pregnant by dissipated Lotharios.

Christina Hendricks looks like Social Services from Moonrise Kingdom.

What's really ironic is that these are the same types of people that'll angrily tell you to "educate yourself" whenever you call them on any of their bullshit. You first, pal.

Maybe they were actually missing a D, and the balloons were supposed to hang over the snack table.

Nah, he just liked buttons. Only cats do the really sick stuff like torture little creatures and savor their terror and pain. Don't trust cats!

I also had a dog that was a real scientist about disassembling faces. Squeaky toys, stuffed animals, whatever. The order was always eyes, nose, ears.

Great Horned Lizard.

Hey fellas (YEAH)

As a side note, I wrote a post over in Groupthink about some Russian powerlifter who was arrested in Tripoli for killing a Libyan Air Force officer, and I said she looks a lot like Rebel Wilson. There was some disagreement about that, so I was wondering what you think on the similarity.

Hey, at least they finally came up with a foolproof diet plan. I'm certainly more than willing to get in shape in exchange for millions of dollars, so sign me up.

Yeah, and all she had to do was not call people out by name, not engage in slut shaming herself, and not end the matter by babbling out a bunch of ridiculous legal threats. How strange that her version was received much better!

Remember that one vampire in Underworld with the dual chain whips? I think she has a similar thing set up where she can just unwind them and start lashing things in half.