Lucky Frog

*demon voice* YOU TELL ME.

Looks like Courtney Stodden's younger sister.

It actually is a terrible example. His legs may be spread a little wide, but it's clearly so that he can corral his shopping bags and man purse, i.e. a reasonable and acceptable use of public space. Nice upskirt shot, too.

Lauryn Hill has a good one. Simple, classic. Stephen Baldwin is trying too hard.

At least he's not from Lebanon. VANNA'S SON SHACKED UP WITH LESBIAN.

On the teevee, they'll end the "country boy done right" story by showing the big new house he built for his family. That sucker's always enormous, sitting on like at least ten acres of property. Kanye could have the same deal for under half a mil if he wanted to live out in Wyoming.

Wow. The Swede from Hell on Wheels.

Honestly, I think everyone just sets the bar really, really low when it comes to her. That way we can dismiss all of her shambolic, abusive tweeting at her daughter and still remain pleasantly surprised whenever she says anything halfway intelligent.

I knew him because he extended his used car empire to Alaska, and I was the little rural kid watching and not knowing what the fuck the crazy cowboy on TV was going on about.

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Pussycow is real, possibly related to Manbearpig.

So good looking back then!

I'm just glad it was the prom issue. That cover looked like sad child arranged marriage.

Had to google that. Pride goeth before the divorce.

There's different levels of heirs, though. "Asphalt" is only slightly better than "urinal cake."

R.I.P. Cal Worthington . . . and his dog, Spot. Did anyone else watch the commercials as a kid and think that the "Go see Cal, go see Cal, go see Cal" tagline was "pussy cow?" Just me then?

Do it, Rockapella!

They could have Freamon from The Wire listen in on the call where she gives hints to Patty Larceny about where the Sistine Chapel's ceiling is stashed.

Like she even holds a candle to Carmen Sandiego, international woman of mystery.

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I sat next to him on a flight once. Coach, and he had the aisle seat. I told him I liked his music.