Lucky Frog

Though the Soviets were first, they never made an effort to actually integrate women into their space program. Only two other female cosmonauts have made it to orbit, and the last one was in 1957. Until recently, there's been pretty much zero opportunity for a Russian woman to have a career in space. NASA may have

You don't want to get in a meme war with the Queen. Too many outfits, too much bling, too much firepower.

Change turns me into Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer. I'm frightened and confused.

Are they going and sexing up the hero's sexy girlfriend again? Damn them!

Yeah, it was on Thanksgiving, too. This Martinez guy is apparently a pretty hard-hitting son of a bitch, so it was some serious "you killed my daddy!" shit out there. Run away? I think that was where she finally decided he was husband material.

Regarding the "I heart Rob" written in dust on K-Stew's truck, I believe the "some douche" you're looking for is the paparazzo himself. Smart move turning a generic photo into a nice little paycheck at the price of a few seconds artwork and a dusty index finger.

♪ It's Kanye's 5 Year Plan. Kanye's 5 Year Plaaaan. ♪

There's been a few times when I've learned that a guy I've known for a while was molested as a kid. It's always the result of them revealing it to the woman they're dating, who then promptly spreads it throughout the entire friend group. Guys, if there's something you need to get off your chest, tell it to your

I think Clooney's problem is that his women are less of the interchangeable doll type, so when he dumps them there are more questions involved.

It's funny how people are never like "Leo just broke up with his latest Victoria's secret model, so he must be gay."

Don't mess with my Old World Style!

I think the whole wanting kids thing was just a nice-sounding reason for the split. "We're bored with each other" isn't nearly as pleasant.

Exactly what I thought of. I had hoped the San Francisco Chronicle's story would be the basis of a post here celebrating the flight attendants rather than ignored in favor of a story about how other media outlets are fucking up their coverage.

Honestly, thank god for parents like you, because it is just too depressing what happens when parents just don't give a shit. I knew one guy at 22 with an uncorrected lazy eye just because his parents didn't give a shit. If they had, getting it taken care of wouldn't even have been all that hard for them.

The qualification at the end is what really gets me. I could see him trying to slime his way out of it by saying it wasn't abuse abuse, but the "in any way" part is where he's really just insulting people's intelligence. No way can you play those pictures off as anything other than what they are.

I think she might be setting herself up for the Big Apology, where she finally tries to clean the slate with the anti-vaccine advocacy. Her just staying quiet on the subject and pretending it doesn't exist really isn't going to fly.

Design fail on that one. If my naked butt is going to be censored, I don't want them doing it with what looks like stink lines.