Lucky Frog

Yeah, it's a plain fact that some condoms will fit some men, and some condoms won't. This thing about shutting down questions by pulling Trojans over your head and arm is completely absurd. This is coming from actual sex educators? And it's something to be boasted about? Some teachers need to go back to school,

My brother once told me about the time he came home and his (now ex) wife showed him the helmet she had bought for their toddler. Like, just for wearing during normal playtime activities. Man, did he ever throw a fit, complete with the "No son of mine!" declarations. The stupid thing cost like over a hundred

I think there are a lot of Solange haters as well, or at least people who diss her casually. Some rapper's side piece will be going on about something completely different, and then throw in something about choosing not to associate herself with Solange and people like her.

I want to live on your face, Lady. Right on top of it.

It's like, I wouldn't have believed him if he said that was the only time he's ever abused her, but declaring that he's "never abused her physically in any way?"

I had thought that excessive plastic surgery rates were more linked to a homogenous population, like eyelids in South Korea and noses in Iran. Venezuela, on the other hand, is incredibly ethnically diverse. I'm a fan of the San Francisco Giants, and for proof all you have to do is compare Marco Scutaro, Gregor

Clearly, her Wikipedia page is in need of editing. You need to get on there and do a full update.

Turns out the Kim Kardashian zinger-that-really-wasn't was actually a product of "legendary comedy group Second City," which is kind of sad. Changes it from "amateur makes a funny" to "lazy effort from a professional."

That's actually kind of an interesting question. Call me sentimental, but the Olympic Moment is all about the guy who totally eats shit and is going to come in dead last, but he picks himself up and gets the crowd behind him to where he crosses the finish line to tumultuous applause. I'd consider that person to have

I remember it was a plot point that she gets her arm chopped off, and they spent a little money on CGI to show her with a stump. Then they were like fuck it, here you go, full metal Terminator arm. They spend like two seconds marveling at it, then the doc's like "pull this flesh-colored rubbermaid dishwashing glove

No, the time to start wondering who the hell Jessie J is was during the closing ceremony for the London Olympics. Seriously, she never stopped charging around, pretending like she was singing.

I'll see your flaming bra avatar and raise you a velvet worm.

Did a google image search and seems like maybe dumb gloves really are a thing, and The Gaga's more to blame for it than K-Stew.

Oh, if someone looks like a genuine roughneck, then I can respect that kind of dedication to crime. I'm telling you though, those kind of tats have fully infiltrated the skinny little punk community. Even chicks get them now! It's like the skull motif — formerly reserved for Tough Guys, now on the verge of "girly."

I used to be in the Army, and the last name in gothic script across the shoulderblades was a Latino, mostly Mexican thing. It was really pretty universal — I knew three guys named Lopez with the exact same tattoo. I mean exact. When I asked they said it was a family pride thing.

Arrgh, the outlines of guns tattooed on hipbones! I don't see them in a sexual context, but man they make me want to slap some sense into people.

A mean-mouthed woman. Like if your lips compress into a thin, unhappy line and you look like something smells like shit EVERY TIME some tiny little thing happens that's in any way less than perfect.

Oh well. He said on the record he'll continue to drop it hard core, despite those that can't take it when the Lion roar (rawr).