Lucky Frog

Maybe he has a different plan for fully rehabbing himself and he had to get into the proper physical shape to begin.

I saw Big Boi when he came through SF a couple weeks back, but I would have picked Killer Mike as the one to injure himself on stage. Lots of jumping around for a large man, and as he told the crowd, "Today, this counts as my cardio!"

Michael Lohan's rocking a rather interesting shirt in that picture. Using the google, I confirmed that yes, he's apparently being paid to rep a shady herbal supplement called "Paxsonite." I'm not sure the guy has any credibility beyond recommending a good bail bondsman, but whatever. I just wanted to remind

Right. All the focus here seems to suggest that this only ever experienced or perpetrated by poor people that never finished high school. Instead, the public face of non-consensual raw-dogging is also the darling of liberals and progressives at home and abroad.

Also, nice job TMZ for pretty much putting it on blast that they bribed the building manager into letting their photog creep around the off-limits areas.

I assume that when she said she was going to have him escorted out of here, she was referring to planet Earth.

I think I prefer the one with the fish.

Just ignore the troll. It's one thing to dislike rap, but saying that it isn't music is an incredibly dumb statement that shouldn't be dignified with a response.

The stars at night, are big and bright!

I really wish he was handbra-ing as well.

I think that since we don't know who her kid's dad is, everything about her is slowly becoming more mysterious. Maybe soon we'll be questioning her gender or if she's even blonde.

Now playing

Come on, Tim Dog. I expect an actual plot when it comes to faking your own death, not just skipping town and lying to The Source magazine. All I know of the guy comes from a diss line in Fuck wit Dre Day, so let's all be reminded that Tim Dog can eat a big fat . . . dick.

My mom's dog is the worst, because he's both racist and classist. He barks at poor Hispanic people, but can sense it if they have money and is absurdly welcoming.

Whew! Glad we got that cleared up.

Those lapels back then. Totally out of control.

Wow, full Shaggy defense.

only eat things created by God in the way they were intended.