Gwyneth enjoys . . . special croissants.
Gwyneth enjoys . . . special croissants.
Yup, and the Supreme Court easily arrived at the simple conclusion that since the right to not-excessive bail was guaranteed, bail itself was as well.
I think Hugo Boss may also have designed the uniforms for the new Star Trek movie. Not of fan of the baby fascist peaked caps. Seem familiar?
The paparazzi should be the least of your worries when it comes to womb sleuthing. The Attorney General in Virginia was just getting in trouble for a bill that would have required women to report their miscarriages to the police within 24 hours.
I wonder how much money VIPs like the Smiths and the Cruises really have to kick back to the Church. I always got the feeling the CoS would sooner pay THEM than suffer a public break.
Yeah. The list of mommy don'ts has expanded WAY beyond crack cocaine and Thalidomide.
Tuna are cool, and I like looking at them. Eating also.
Yes, we'll call it "going to Spain."
The gift given to you by Ubertrout was for him to safely retreat to a thread he controls in order to rally support. It might appear to the casual reader that everyone over on Groupthink thinks that kind of shit is cool and desirable, but such is not the case. Trust me when I say that every critical comment is…
I think Wild Wild West had something to do with it.
Absolutely, if you're on the ball like that. Otherwise, they can be pretty sneaky about getting them in the room and pretty generous about interpreting something as "giving consent."
The "without a medical license" thing is kind of a joke, because students of all varieties are the ones you need to watch out for. I needed to pretty much just be present for a few live births, and the hospital would basically stroll us in like we had any right to be there. I was talking to one guy in the program…
She also has the song "Candy Bling" where she celebrates sweets as jewelry. Seriously, it's like Michael Jackson levels of permanent adolescence.
Imma let you finish, Justin Bieber, but Nick Cannon already designed the ugliest and most childish wedding ring of all time! It even comes in a box complete with spinner!
I was just watching on the news where they mapped out the paths of the many major tornadoes through that area in the past 15 years. It was a crazy, squiggly X meeting up at the point of greatest destruction. Really pretty shocking actually.
Turns out, it isn't exceedingly rare at all.
I think a thigh-popping night is where you perform hundreds of squat thrusts and lift large, triangular weights. Hup hup hup!
Nice detective work. I'm just so trusting of infographics!
Yeah, she should have snapped her gum and flipped her ponytail for added emphasis.