Luckier (sometimes Luckless, sometimes Luckiest)

Aw man......but now, let the Aisha Tyler bandwagon begin!

Yeah. I dated a skinhead back when I was like 16. He was so scared his little friends would figure out I'm actually Ojibwe... Which they eventually did, of course.

Misogynists marry women all the time. It means absolutely nothing about their actual feelings towards a person they are supposed to love or care about.

"But on the other, it brings into sharp relief the fallacy of claiming that dating, loving, or befriending a member of another race somehow inoculates a person against racism."

Yep, I come from a family that's as diverse as a UN assembly and we have plenty of outspoken bigots who love to make nasty remarks between

Did he shove her in the shallow water? If you do that before it gets too deep, it's pretty dangerous.

Neighbors prayed for the "Sound of Silence"

Paul and Edie down in the jail cell.

Was he choking her in the shallow water before she got too deep? Because that's totally cool if you know what I mean. Doo'yah?

Definitely not on the approved list of 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover

I love the crows here in Lindy's city, but they get very sensitive during baby crow season. I've had them harass me for a block or two to keep me away from their nests.

We have Cooper's hawks in my city, and it cracks me up when I see a hawk getting chased out of the neighborhood by a murder of crows. I love crows.

Hahahahaha....My dad was a Baptist Deacon and we always went to NOLO for conventions. As a family we would go. When I was 23 or so, I lived there w/ my boyfriend. my dad came and took me to Commander's Palace for dinner for the first time. Just him and I. If I went back today, I could tell you what table we sat


If your argument can be spoken by a slave owner choosing to fuck his slave and still hold water, you might want to rethink it.

This story will be filled with productive and privilege-aware comments about the subtleties of race dynamics, I just know it.

I don't understand this line, perhaps you'd like to clarify: "Men can easily distinguish between those who are truly competent and those who are full of shit."

If she's read "every Hemingway," why can't she feel a "deep affinity" for Paris or the fucking woods of Michigan or even Key West? Good fucking grief!

I'd love some statistics. As far as I can tell, if you ask adopted people how they feel about adoption it's going to be a very person response based on their personal experiences. You're going to have black people who thought it was great and saying anything against it is terribly racist, and you're going to have