Luckier (sometimes Luckless, sometimes Luckiest)

well done with the chair switch! I too am 40ish and had black pants on, but the office chair did not fare so well. Busy day, everyone was around, so I closed my door and pretended to be on a conference call while I tidied up the chair with lysol wipes.

Any dogs in the house true dogs?

Hey Jezebel...


I used our personal situation to indicate that what is common and acceptable in one place is uncommon and unacceptable in other places. Where you live, there may not be many people named "Messiah." But in other places, there are plenty of them. If it's a name that makes you uncomfortable, maybe you should ask

I've never like the "junior" thing either, but there are lots of family names you could give subsequent kids that are just as reflective of the mother's family. Maybe you give your first-born your maiden name, but your second kid is named after your beloved grandfather or favorite aunt. Personally, I think that if my

I don't understand why your kids would have problems if they moved to a Muslim country, by the way, so I would relax. And I see no reason why they'd have problems in the Midwest. We're dealing with a different level of weird here.

True, but you can give it to your eldest kid. Or do it as a middle name for all your kids.

Unrelated to this issue, but I like when kids get their mom's maiden name as a first name. Unfortunately, my maiden name would be a ridiculous first name, but it works if your name is Martin or Kelly or even something like Clinton or Smith.

I feel like you really should have gotten over the death of your great-great-great-great-grandwhatever by now.

I had this fight with my sister yesterday. She says, "I don't personally see how the term Redskin is a racial insult." And then she compared it to calling a team "Pale-faces." And then my head exploded because I don't understand how I'm related to her.

This whole article is very timely for me. My youngest is almost three, and I got a call from my old workplace (the one I quit to raise the kids) offering me my job back - the same job. No loss in pay or position. I am VERY BLOODY TEMPTED. Pity it's so horrendously family unfriendly (which is why they are trying to get

Mmmm, spicy! My favorite. And Mr Simon puts sriracha on *everything* so I'm sure he'd be down, too. Thanks! :)

Congrats. Go check out Ezelle's Fried Chicken, they have a Woodinville location. I recommend getting the spicy chicken if you're feeling up for it (not too hot, just right). Also, you've got a bunch of wineries around you and a few breweries. Hope you enjoy!

I live in Woodinville, but I just got my American citizenship yesterday, and I came right home and registered to vote online. I love technology!

Awesome! Welcome to the state, where did you move to?

I'm one of them now, as of yesterday! Yay! *waves little American flag*

Ya, but those voters are a bunch of communists.

The only possible good thing that can come from this is that he is the perfect rebuttal to the people who say that we don't need to specifically teach boys what rape and sexual assault is when they're young(-ish), and what actions should never be acceptable. The reason why we shouldn't that I've been given is that