Is there a way for us regular plebeians to see how long a car has been on the lot? I have to think that could be a great bargaining chip when trying to buy a car.
Is there a way for us regular plebeians to see how long a car has been on the lot? I have to think that could be a great bargaining chip when trying to buy a car.
My old best friend / roommate about 6 years ago. He had an ‘01 Camaro SS built up to about 500hp (crank) that he drove like a mad man. Like a moron I would regularly ride with him rather than drive my own car. He’d drag race every car on the road. 150+mph on every road he could. Do burnouts at red lights / stop signs.…
Ya know, I’ve kinda always wondered how I can continually pump heat or air conditioning into my car for hours on end and there’s no pressure change in the cabin. I always just assumed the car had built in air leaks somewhere to keep pressure balanced. I supposed that’s exactly what these do, just in a properly…
- We’re making a new McLaren Hypercar.
Yeah, I can go along with that. Plus, they did it with 1969 technology. I’ve read that current smart phones have more computing power than the entire Apollo 11 Mission. So that is saying something.
Yeah, I wasn’t around 50 years ago. But I don’t remember reading about them landing, and reusing, the launch rockets before.
I was the same way yesterday. I was genuinely shaking with sheer awe at what was just accomplished. The science and engineering behind what SpaceX has been doing is unreal.
Happens to the best of us. I had a break wall that stayed level with my ramped driveway at my last house. I had backed down it hundreds of times without incident. But it only takes that one time that I cut the wheel WAY too early and dropped the rocker panel right on the wall, leaving a nice sized dent. I was mad at…
About exactly as I expected: Sitting in a junkyard, waiting for the crusher, seemingly in decent condition too. I sold my super awesome ‘89 Grand Am LE (Luxury Edition, right??) to a guy I was in high school with. He was highly irresponsible so I wasn’t too surprised to see it in the scrap yard. The car had it’s life.…
Ha! The “Waterfront” is a bit of an understatement.
Or you could just go full on fancy schmancy and get a car with Rain Sensing wipers. Then you just set the intermittent option to “how much rain do you want on your windshield when the wipers are required”. It’s such a nice first world feature.
A few years ago a friend of mine blew the side of the transmission out of his ‘04ish Explorer in the middle of January in NW Ohio. I told him to go get a re-manufactured trans and I’d put it in for him instead of paying a shop $4000+ to fix it. It was about 5 degrees outside, and about 20 degrees in the garage with…
No, not my fault. My wife’s fault. I want the manual. However, my wife refuses to learn the manual. So in the event we need to switch cars, I can’t have the manual, cause she can’t drive the manual. Otherwise, we’d have the manual. Blame her.
Oh man, the memories. Our 1996 GMC Safari; fully loaded. This thing has an extended roof with track lighting in it, a separate radio system in the back so my brother and I could listen to our own music in our own private headphones, 2nd row captain’s chairs, and a 10" TV in the back of the center console for the 2…
Maybe a dumb question, but is there the chance that the family will never see the full $42 Million? I’ve always wondered how this works. I assume it’s the body shop that’s supposed to pay that out. I’m guessing the owners don’t have that kind of cash just laying around to pay out lawsuits. So their insurance would…
It really is nothing to mess with. I confirmed I have it at the age of 32, but I felt like I had the symptoms since I was in my early 20's. Girlfriends would say I’d just stop breathing in my sleep, take a big gasp of air, and just keep on sleeping. I never remembered any of it. I felt perpetually tired every moment I…
I had an early 2000's V6 Taurus one time and some friends and I decided to see how many (read: how few) cylinders it could run on; and in what combinations. We just started pulling plug wires. Ran it on 2, 3, 4, alternating banks, alternating cylinders, almost every combination you can think of. Somehow it survived…