I personally think temperature checks are useless.
I personally think temperature checks are useless.
Stand-up comedians have been doing some mental gymnastics to make sure they can stay working and save clubs from going under. They also have a serious case of not-me-itis.
I have the same worry! I have a fairly low heart rate, around 48 or 49 usually, and with the low temperature, I ended up as low 95 once, I’m clearly undead and just didn’t get the memo.
I have to go to my allergist weekly for allergy shots, and they have the temperature screener at the door. I swear half the time I’m coming in freshly showered, so it reads me as “too low”, which it declares to an entire waiting room. Between my temp being “too low” and my naturally low blood pressure and heart rate…
My best friend has been quarantined by herself since the beginning with very little contact with the outside world and she said she felt like she was starting to crack. So I told her that we could get together in person, something I have literally never done except with my mom whom I am staying with. I arrived and she…
I lost my sense of smell and taste for a day, and my partner and I are insanely tired. My doc thinks I have it. I am just hoping that the test comes back negative and it’s something else, but even then, a false negative is possible. But yeah, I’m paranoid af right now.
The rapid test has a false negative rate of 20% and is just too unreliable imo. Even the temp. check is not really a good indicator as many don’t get a fever as a symptom anymore.
Yeah, part of the every day screening to enter the hospital where I work is to ask about a long list of symptoms. Am I experiencing fatigue? I mean, yes, but just regular fatigue? The screening seems less vigorous now that I’ve been vaccinated and have my vaccinated tag for my badge.
Testing is *part* of screening for Covid and has so many flaws.
He’s not very tall and is just naturally thicc. But also probably on TRT.
Had a guy at work got some exposure over a weekend, then we told him to stay home until the negative tests come back. Dude came back in two days, coughing and wheezing, so we asked if he had a test. Dude said yes, it was done in like half a day. We told him to get the fuck home right away. Two days later he got a…
I really think the rapid tests are part of the problem with containing the spread. People think they can just go back to “normal” with a negative rapid test.
They are not accurate at all and give an absurdly high false negative.
Dave Chappelle gave Dave Chappelle covid by hanging around people while not wearing a mask on a regular basis. You can do things like “rapid testing”, but if you’re still going out and about like things are normal and spending time around many people outside your household, you’re an idiot and you’re risking your…
He got it from Joe Rogan who got it from Alex Jones who got it at the Capitol. Someone told Rogan the real Clayton Bigsby was at the show and wanted a picture.
Based on his track record, if Joe Rogan says it wasn’t Grimes, it was definitely Grimes.
Pretty sure Elon and Grimes infect everyone with whom they come into contact. Maybe not with COVID but something unwanted.
Economically anxious w 3k worth of tactical gear...
Portland is so Portland it’s impossible to say whether it was a false-flag or genuine.
There are plenty of legitimate complaints about Biden and his proposed administration from the left. There are a lot more that are overly simplistic, falsely equivalent, overblown, or just plain wrong. There is no doubt in my mind that you could gather 150 or so people in the Portland OR area who believe that it is…