I’m making notes. Clearly I am a substandard mother. We do lame things like watch The Office and go on drives together. Periodically I advise him on his hair. He occasionally helps me with my phone. I’m ashamed.
I’m making notes. Clearly I am a substandard mother. We do lame things like watch The Office and go on drives together. Periodically I advise him on his hair. He occasionally helps me with my phone. I’m ashamed.
Yes, the Hancock building and the triangle ‘vagina’ building, and the red one, whichever one that is. Def Chicago.
Some of the larger community’s “chosen family” members have refused to allow a pandemic to redefine their lives and have brazenly broadcast their gatherings
That is most definitely the Chicago skyline, not NYC. Makes the Peoria reference more appropriate, though.
The Instagram account in question mostly blasts people at circuit parties and stuff. It’s not like, having a couple friends over for your birthday, it’s packing several hundred into a club for an overpriced event (and mostly targeting influencers). The account is definitely punching up.
So sweet to see a boy and his mom share similar interests.
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord make my enemies ridiculous. ‘ And God granted it.
Playing in the cold sucks, I imagine it’s super hard for a vocalist. Inhale cold air over your vocal cords, exhale and sing with warm air. Not exactly ideal.
This is a very verbose, detailed way of justifying dangerous behavior in a pandemic by deeming public shaming as equally problematic. (If ___ is so shitty, then why isn’t ____?)
Jezebel is horribly wasting a chunk of their salary cap on this D-league troll whose only “talent” is trying to shit on things that no one else ever seems to find any issue with.
Yeah, I was surprised how good this really is. I’m usually a little “meh” about Katy Perry, and even I will admit that this is pretty darn good.
There’s a couple of spots... when she goes for those high notes. Kind of to be expected considering you’re not exactly going to be practicing your singing in a meat locker though and no one has been playing gigs. Springsteen had some issues too and I was honestly shocked his guitar stayed in tune the whole time. I’ve…
I hate fireworks on principle. Bad for the environment, and really can mess with animals, kids, people with ptsd, etc. I’m just over it. I realize I’m a scrooge here and most people just shove aside these complaints.
lon Musk’s look pretty convincing.
Came here to say this! Steve Carrell’s hair looks great. And....to be honest...if women can get extensions without it being a sign of their insecurity, why can’t men get plugs? I would (age related hair thinning) but women’s hair thins differently than mens so there aren’t really any spare follicles to plug in. I’m…
If you had told me there would be items on Garth Brooks and Jojo Sewa and one was about a hair line, I would have guessed wrong.
My wife is a huge Garth Brooks fan so every appearance on TV is closely watched in my house. We noticed more that he had toned down the truly awful dye job in his beard that he has sported in recent TV appearances than what was happening on the top of his head. As a Balding American I can’t say I blame him for doing…
Whatever Steve Carrell did looks pretty good.
Damn, I read that People article about Christina Ricci and holy cow, it sounds like her marriage was terrifying. Glad to know she got out of it and, hopefully, he wont attempt to violate the restraining order.
Random Christina Ricci story - in the late 90s/early 2000s, right around her peak fame and my own peak celebrity crush on her, Ricci’s brother worked as a server at my local Applebees in New Jersey. He was a slightly pudgy dude with a goatee and Christina Ricci’s face. The juxtaposition broke my brain.