The Anne Heche quote seems pretty clear and pretty pointedly leveled at Ellen’s claims that she had no idea her show had a toxic leadership structure nor played any part in it becoming that way.
The Anne Heche quote seems pretty clear and pretty pointedly leveled at Ellen’s claims that she had no idea her show had a toxic leadership structure nor played any part in it becoming that way.
Only for someone whose entire frame of historical reference for a dress style popular from the mid-1930s to the late 1950s is a movie musical made in the mid 60s.
I’ve read comments about this from her but have to take it with a grain of salt due to her statements over the last few months about her new-found sobriety and her long history of serious drug abuse issues. While it’s certainly possible that Hemsworth has his own drug issues, I can’t help suspect there’s a good…
Yeah, it was the “Gee, I bet there’s someone just perfect out there for you somewhere” of dating app responses.
Biting as a teen when dealing with non-physical conflict is a sign of behavioral issues. As in “textbook age-inappropriate conduct that signals serious self-control problems.”
He didn’t try to date Abramson. Abramson and his fellow YDC members knew that Morse had a (extremely tame) Tinder profile that mentions neither that he is a mayor nor a professor. Abramson and his friend were supporters of Morse’s opponent. Abramson intentionally “matched” with Morse. There was no date proposed. After…
So now that this has all been revealed to be a smear campaign by a college Democrat trying to land a job with the incumbent Morse is challenging, I’m assuming Jezebel will be running a follow-up story about an organized targeting of a gay candidate with false sexual abuse claims, right?
Waiting for Mrs. Shapiro to drop her GOP Convention dance hit “Sad Dry Pussy.”
The thing with this cognitive test is that it’s not something one opts to take on one’s own. It’s something that a doctor gives after a patient engages in extreme behavior that suggests they can’t act in their own interests or grasp basic concepts of daily living. It proves nothing except that the patient is so deep…
How much is Vanilla Ice charging Jake to rent his old eyebrow?
Well, if we rent a woodchipper...
Barnum may not have been in it for the money but I’m betting she saw the opportunity for it pretty early on. She’s from one of the most exclusive (and white) PDX suburbs and used many of her WOM interviews to turn the focus to herself, her marketing savvy and her children’s education (homeschooling and private…
One can be a trailblazer and still be a terrible, self-centered person. One can also be a trailblazer and not be a terrible, self-centered person. Being one of the first lesbian entertainers to publicly come out is a great legacy but it does not inoculate her from being held to account for abusive behavior or…
Oh, you sweet summer child, if you think HR is the place to go if you have an issue with the star or producer of a popular television series, I know several former Oprah! staffers who can shatter that dream world for you.
I wonder how many times Portia De Rossi has heard variations of that.
So Tesla’s resolution is that a new $80,000 car was involved in a pre-purchase accident severe enough to cause catastrophic failure of a control arm? And no one at the factory, transporter or dealership was aware of this?
I realize Jez has been leaning extra-hard into that “cool girl” edge but making fun of a 16 year old victim of stalking and harassment is not a good look.
These look like the compression garments my co-worker had to wear after having extensive lipo surgery. She didn’t dress it up with matte lipstick and post it on Instagram, however.
Vanessa Morgan’s first red flag should have been those white-boy dreadlocks.
No, Barbers Hill is a public school (actually a collection of public schools as the Barbers Hill School District.)