Aside from them being right?
Aside from them being right?
Well, he compensates by going in extra-hard on the stimulants and pain killers.
For someone who sired so many babies, he still seems to have no idea how they function.
I think you meant to say “a fucking bitch that could kick my sad, weak ass”, Ted.
Her bonnet is the round placemats I picked up at the last minute from Cost Plus a few Thanksgiving dinners ago.
I think it’s telling that the current Jez staff appears to know every contestant in the Bachelor franchise and all the personal details of the “waitstaff” from Bravo spin-offs yet seem largely unfamiliar with three very successful female actor/producer/directors who are all highly regarded for their work.
So...she’s the female Leo DiCaprio?
And she’s neither a victim nor witness to the abuse (she has already testified about her own rape) so she’s not really in a position to call out names. These are likely assaults described to her by friends so they’re not her stories to go public with. Naming the assailant may expose victims who aren’t willing or…
He was disowned by his family for a number of years as a teen when he decided to pursue acting and he’s notoriously progressive when it comes to politics and social issues.
Joan has always been weirdly bitter and salty about the mere existence of
celebritiesother people and it leaks into her writing all the time,
Racist Becky And Her Closet Queens.
Nope. I’d rather just sit back and watch y’all fight yourselves to the death, thanks.
Abused kids of any gender bonding with their abuser is not uncommon at all. Pedophiles groom their victims into thinking it is a loving relationship and that the abuser is the only one who “truly cares” about the victim. That’s why you sometimes see cases where the victim continues the relationship with their abuser in…
Dahmer’s parents are both pretty well known to have been emotionally neglectful. The marriage was combative , his father was quite disengaged from the family and his mother was deeply depressed and likely had a personality disorder. They may have loved him but they were both pretty narcissistic and it was far from a…
But, following your own logic, why would a cis male actor playing a pre-transition trans man in some scenes be less believable or a worse choice than a cis woman playing scenes as a post-tradition trans man?
Let’s simplify this for you. Disregarding entirely the issue of limited opportunities for trans actors, it would be more appropriate to cast a cis male actor in this role than a woman. This sort of casting just reenforces this wrong-headed belief that trans people are just cosplaying a gender, as Berry’s own…
This is the “But she still shouldn’t have been walking home alone at that hour” of condolence messages.
No, because it’s actually a quite rigorous and extended process to get hormones prescribed. You don’t just go to a doctor and say “I’ve decided to be a lady” and they write you a script. The idea that gay men and lesbians too lazy for therapy are being overprescribed gender-transitioning medications by unscrupulous…
Oh, trust me, she’s already racist. Just read any of her books.
The driver was going the wrong way on an exit ramp so, combined with other factors including the driver asking repeatedly about the welfare of the victims when apprehended, it seems still unclear if this was an intentional act or a hit-and-run by someone who wound up on the wrong ramp and panicked.