
”...Pulls a knife at rape point”?

Jack Welch, former GE CEO, died today. He was long-rumored to have been ‘Tweety’ Matthews protector since the days when GE owned NBC/MSNBC. Wouldn’t be surprised that once they new Welch was gone, Tweety AND his bosses both immediately recognized NBC’s chance to kick his ass to the curb.

“Four more years of Donald Trump”, which is longer than either of her marriages has lasted.

Why is Jake Paul dressed like a hygienist from a pediatric dental clinic?

The authors and their publisher are using the hashtag #ragebakers and registered ragebakers.com because ragebaking.com was already owned by Tangerine Jones. There’s no way they were unaware of her work considering the amount of due diligence done to avoid infringement.

Now I realize that Myrtle Snow was screaming in disappointment and schadenfreude.

Is there any situation in which Amy Klobuchar doesn’t reveal herself to be that awful co-worker who thinks “being friendly” means offering calorie counts on what you’re eating and complementing non-white staff on their “exotic” looks?

Thank you. I’ve been doing a double-take every time I’ve seen this woman’s name for a decade now.

Well, it seems the one of the girls filing suit, Chelsea Mitchell, won the 55 M race yesterday, beating her trans competitor, Terry Miller. Apparently Mitchell didn’t “know the outcome before the race even startsafter all.

Well, sounds like Wendy’s back on the coke...

None of that is scientifically or medically accurate, though somehow I doubt you believe evidence that contradicts your personal biases.

The ‘biological composition’ (which means what exactly?) of a trans female athlete is not similar to that of a male athlete. The hormone blockers that most young trans people take to delay the effects of puberty impede the development of adolescent physical sexual characteristics, so teenage trans girls would have no

These trans athletes have almost certainly been on hormone blockers for several years so they carry no physical advantage. The effects of male puberty (larger muscle size, bone growth, body strength, etc., due to increased testosterone) wouldn’t be occurring in these young trans women, so what specific undue

Yeah, but most of those youths already look like they’re in their mid-40s so it kinda balances out.

Wow, that New Yorker article is something. The ease with which his father keeps tossing out “Oh, but he’s a really good boy” and his mother just shuts down any questioning makes me think there’s a loooooonnnnngggg history of them covering for his behavior.

“His sexual needs”??!!

Of course you’re confused, Peg. You’re already on your third breakfast martini.

And the trained clairvoyant!?

I have many, many questions about this medical clinic but my initial one is “Why would anyone want their gynecological care done in an IKEA showroom?”

Her accent in 30 Rock was SOOOOOOOO terrible. That was really the point where I started to realize how schticky some of her work was. She can be very, very good or she can be really terrible and there’s not a lot of middle ground.