
Here's the Crusader's "Steed charge" skill, from Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. That's gotta be one of the most badass-looking skills so far in the game, next to Whirlwind and the Wizards' Disintegrate. Makes me wanna roll a Crusader first when the expansion is out and level that up before my existing characters.

This was a long time ago. Before lip balm.

I planned to play it for an hour the night the patch hit, and ended up spending 2 hours. Only reasons I stopped was because I had to go into work early the next day. I would take it as a sign of improvement.

The patch really does make it a dramatically better experience.

*Totally*over it. Loving the changes, the new loot, the pacing etc. etc.. Can't wait for the expansion. I decided to get it way before this patch but this decision is absolutely solidified now. Also the new Paragon system is a big plus in motivation.

He is explaining that there are bugs. These bugs are not significant enough to completely discourage a purchase because they can be fixed. I think he may have used a bit of hyperbole in saying wait to buy it, because obviously there is a lot of great content and fun for both South Park and RPG fans in the game.

probably much more likely, cue the headache that comes from trailers for announcements

I bought it for 40 as well. Used it for my entire play through of Thief and Im halfway through Castlevania 2. So far I for the most part really like it but do you notice that it doesnt really get super loud? I mean its loud enough but I have everything turned all the way up in windows as well as the headphones

you know what else releases well in december? Family friendly movies. Calling it now, Back to the Future 4, Dec 2014.

Jason has been arguing for filling up reviews with technical stuff instead of looking at the game a little deeper for a while now. I imagine it means that if you can get past the stuff that half of us can't even see, there is a lot of good game in Stick Of Truth but when you get bogged down in this stuff it's always

I doubt he will ever answer your question. His too busy deleting the comments where people are raging about this early spoiler. =/

No their review system is pretty much bullshit. Every writer on here touts that the standard 1-10 review system is garbage, meanwhile they use a shitty binary system where either a game is worth playing or you should absolutely never touch it ever. This of course excludes the "Not Yet", but that implies that you

I think it's a way to try to create some visibility to the fact the game is not as polished as it should be. Hopefully the right people will notice and make the needed changes.

It's because their review system is bullshit.

Emilio Esteves although I'm starting to doubt that was really him...

I don't have an issue with Blizz on this one. Seems like a cash grab, but whatever.