I just ordered a Russian bride who was priority shipped with added air holes for an additional $25. Should be arriving in this.
I just ordered a Russian bride who was priority shipped with added air holes for an additional $25. Should be arriving in this.
I was wrong about handheld video games. Very wrong indeed.
Arrested Development meets Mass Effect. Simple, but I can't stop smiling.
Today's selection of articles from Kotaku's reader-run community: Odd Figures You'll Be Able To Buy Soon • We Have To Learn How To Be Patient Again • Four Web Comics You Should Be Reading
Epic thread. Good on you, man.
Funniest shit I've heard all week.
"You approach a shopkeep. Wait, what? A 'shopkeep'? What the f*** is a shopkeep? You mean a store? Man, you're fighting for your gawddamn life out here, and this motherf***er has the balls to charge you to get the shit you need to save his sorry ass?
"You turn the corner and... aww hell nah, another mother f***in' skeleton army. I'm talkin' swords, spears, these mothers are murdered out. Ain't not spell that can do shit to their boney asses neither."
"This motherfucker got a sword that talks to him. And shit."
What the fuck?
I'm still using Win7 until Microsoft sorts its shit out, for the same reason I used XP during the Vista debacle.
Ten bucks says Windows 9 is a back-to-basics PC OS that gets roundly praised and pushes people to upgrade (for we have seen what Windows does, which is fuck up every second release, then keep what was cool…
Dick fingers always wins.
What's funny about this is some friends and I were talking about how the world needs NEEDS an 80s cartoon themed Fighting game.
10 Games to Play Instead of Candy Crush: Literally any 10 games.
I'm waiting on the patch to tighten up the graphics on level three.
I am surprised people aren't calling her a misogynist homophobe for criticizing the game.
His spear and magic helmet?!
As you can see, the buildup of Hipsterons have caused an expansion of the Instagram Field, diminishing all photons that do not emit within the yellow-yellow green spectrum.