Nintendo willing, maybe we’ll actually get this on the N3DS/XL with their recent commitment to SNES games on the newer platform.
Nintendo willing, maybe we’ll actually get this on the N3DS/XL with their recent commitment to SNES games on the newer platform.
Dude. It’s not Frank Miller. It’s BARNEY MILLER.
I happily play multiplayer with groups of friends. However, I rarely venture into MP alone as 9 of 10 times will result in me harboring some level of hatred for other people, and it makes my gaming less enjoyable.
I am loving this book and the depth it is providing to the title character. Bringing back the intelligence and cunning to Vader was one thing, but this arc with the “replacements” is really building on the feeling that Palps had already written Vader off - not only as a threat to his rule, but also as his Sith…
Preach. Sucks that we chose a hobby that can be manipulated or controlled by trolling douchehammers.
Dang it, Evan. Stop with the positive reviews! I can’t keep adding books to my pull list and maintain fiscal responsibility!
Do yourself a favor and pick up Darth Vader, give it a read in the store. It’s really well done.
You know, I like that. I also think of them much like Firestorm, where their minds share one body with the odd, comics-related power of fan analysis. :)
Evan - do you and James Whitbrook share a brain? This isn’t the first time you’ve both written about a comic, and both articles were so similar in tone and content.
The question “Obi-wan never told you what happened to your father, did he?” can be referring to the actual details of the encounter as well, not just Luke’s father’s apparent fate. Which would also be true in script - Obi-Wan never specifically detailed what happened, just that Vader killed Anakin. Not how - or more…
Looks a little bit like Michael Cera cosplaying Han Solo...
Thanks, Jason - solid write up with interesting material about a game that we both love, and love to hate.
Wow - in a rare moment of overlap, you and James are covering the exact same thing in very much the same tone.
You nailed exactly what I missed in Forza Horizon 2. I love playing in multi against my friends, but the single-player experience was lackluster in providing motivation to play. There was a loss of personality from the first to the second, and I’m hoping they find it again for the eventual 3rd installment. The driving…
Instead of “for sure”, don’t you mean “pho’sho”?
You didn’t buy the game, you bought a license to play the game (thanks, EULAs) and that license specifies that the product may be changed or altered at will.
So, replace Destiny with Call of Duty, Red Bull with Doritos and Dew, and this becomes standard fare.
In addition, they may be hesitant to jump back into waiting to launch a full PC game - I believe the last PC exclusive release they did was their Lego MMO, which did not end well for them.
If I haven’t said it lately, it’s great to see so many comic-related articles on Kotaku and io9 - I look forward to checking for new ones each day.