I am one of MANY people who would buy this in a heartbeat. Really hoping this gets exported to NA.
I am one of MANY people who would buy this in a heartbeat. Really hoping this gets exported to NA.
You are so right - I gotta say, the way most food photography is done is quite fascinating.
I’m sure I’m not alone, but early SWG was one of the best pure MMORPGs I’ve ever played. Between the player housing, the open character development and the crafting system, I spent hours and hours exploring Tatooine and Corellia alone, dancing in bars and playing music to raise skills, mining and RPing my brains out.…
Evan! Wonderful write up on a publisher many still associate with kiddie comics like Casper and Richie Rich.
Kind of hoping the figure on the upper left is Machine Man. :)
Kirk, great write-up. Covered all of the things I love about this mode and a few of my little gripes.
That isn't "non-casual pro gameplay," that's just bad design.
Well maybe if they start eating St. Louis cuisine...
Wow. Gotta say, I liked it. Would watch a series or film based in the same universe.
See, I played through that section without much difficulty, but I had spent a lot of time exploring and side questing before I played that story mission. I was likely higher skilled than intended for that arena fight, but a combination of Camouflage, Camouflage Attack and Takedown made the majority of the fight a…
Picked GTAV up for my One before Christmas, for the sole purpose of playing GTA Online in friends or crew only games since. I originally played it on 360, beat the SP campaign and went into Online and hated it. I loved the idea of my own character in that wide open world, but everyone was about boosting and PKing, and…
Well, I just got to the point that all of the Assassin options have opened up, and I have to say that I'm enjoying the game so far. Other than some small visual glitches (texture pop in, the occasional NPC dropping through the road), I can;t say I've been the victim of many game breaking or stopping glitching.
And how many times have we saved the world in other games? I've saved the world with swords, magic, guns, stealth and robots. Yet, we still keep coming back to those same tropes time and time again.
Well, it's NOT always America playing the victim. Most of the game plots are political in nature, and involve one or more people saving the world/themselves at a high cost. They are similar in scope to much of the action movie or political intrigue genre of film.
Well, I find it useful enough that I've paid my $4.99 for the Android version - and if they decide to sell the stand-alone, non-PlexPass-sub version for $4.99 on the One, I'd probably get it there, also.
Well, I've been running Plex as a home media server for almost a year, and I've had my Roku3's at least that long.
Odd - I've got the Plex channel on my Roku3 and never had to pay for it - it was just downloadable.
Total Price : $79 or so
I reflectively threw up in my mouth a little when I read Hoobastan- erp. Damn, I did it again.