Follllllooooowww.... theeee.....liiiinnnnkkkk.......
It's a good time. We played it for the TAY Game Night yesterday evening. It's a relatively fast paced mech combat game, but it plays much more like a standard FPS.
Queue inbound "Gone Home" white-knight rage in....
I have no money or any kind of business clout or acumen, but I fully support this.
Kirk - thanks for the article.
You may have GOTTEN a more coherent argument about why someone did or didn't like the game if you didn't IMMEDIATELY start calling the person homophobic when their comment did not reasonably fit anything remotely so.
Totally on board with this. I finally watched it a couple of weeks ago, and I got mad at myself for not having watched it sooner.
Grats on the mention, Bob!
Seconded. Between my backlog and limited time, subscription-based games are just a no-go. I've liked everything I've seen so far, but for me, it's free-to-play or a flat $60 for the game and no sub fees.
Man, the level of hipster in this post is ridiculous - it's hitting 9000!
My 1984 Matchbox Voltron die-cast lion set would beg to differ. Sits on my bookshelf next to my childhood AT-AT, and aside from my thumbprints, looks exactly like the one pictured above (minus the shield and sword).
Agreed. The game is definitely built with a "grinder" mentality for the long run, and if that style of gameplay doesn't suit you, you won't like MH in general.
"trolls of Kotaku"
Well, dang, man. Hope you feed the brain soon!
And that's the difference in how we write, I suppose.