
Ugh. You are PERFECTION, Reese Witherspoon!

*Liverpudlian groom. Let's at least use the right nomenclature to talk about this fucking clown.


Most racist place I've ever been. I lived there for a year and a half - gorgeous, but horribly horribly racist.

10/10. Better than Bey.

That's not a BASE jump. For a second I was actually jealous of Beyonce. Don't make me care about what she does, Jezebel!

Rashisa Jones is awful. Also, a scientologist.

This is some pretty amazing use of the phrases "nice guys" and "romance".

My boyfriend is a pretty "nice guy" and he has never tried to bribe me into dating him. Must point out that he's doing it wrong. Ditto buying me presents so I'll fuck him.

UGH I just LOVE her photography!

Also recipes, of course. I made some Isa-inspired Snickerdoodle Cookie Dough Truffles a while ago and holy mother they were good.

Also: she looks damn great these days! Go Isa!

I wish Isa would marry me. My vegan recipe site is very much inspired by hers!

Thank you!

Can we talk about the shoes? Because, above all else, the consistent platform sneaks are a huge issue for me.*

*Another issue would be her hair at the VMAs. I LOVE girls' hair, and even the bun things were cute, but WHY DID THEY LEAVE A LITTLE CATFLAP AT THE BACK?! Another bun would have been fine!

I don't see any slut shaming here. I see a discussion of the "fashion" here, which is shit.

This is great. Do you know who the artist is? Also, SOCIALISM!

I really wish I had the time (and was in the right country and had enough money) to go along to these events totally dressed up as an anti-choicer (AFAIK they were fetus shirts and shit) and sit quietly by myself until people like this start talking. I would then appoint myself as Official Bullshit Censor.

"We are

Relevant to Live Action:

Oh, I properly love it when North American websites refer to it as the "London Tube"! It makes me squee and I want to pat someone patronisingly on the head! Eeeee!