
TIL that I want a hedgehog.

Doesn't it hurt when you hold them, though? We used to get them in the garden all the time when I was a kid and they would spike you like there was no tomorrow.

Amaze. Amazing woman. The world needs more people like her!

Any of the many ways mentioned below.

I completely agree. I don't watch Glee but I find the whole thing very tacky and viewer-baity. A man died because of his addiction, which is genuinely tragic; is the best way to honour a person really to milk it for everything it's worth and boost the ratings of your terrible show because of it? Tacky to the extreme.


Is she getting that on her KNUCKLES?

FUCK! More power to her. And again: FUCK! My hand hurts just thinking about it!

I once went to a house party as Jareth. Wig, sock down the pants and a "crystal ball" that bounced and had lights that lit up when it hit the floor.

Took it to a rave a week later and was the most popular person there.

Prince William wants to marry that chick? Kate is gonna be well pissed.

"I'll admit, I did do twerking once - but I certainly didn't inhale."


I agree with y0u that the NHS isn't perfect, but I really really can't impress on you how much better our situation is than that in the US. Living this side of the Atlantic has put things into very sharp focus for me - when you have a friend in the US telling you how she got roofied but begged her friends not to take

Why gracias!

I'm a writer and editor, fuck you very much.

Let me guess; you're a fucking troll?

You cannot put a connotation ON something. Something HAS a connotation.

I'll be here all week (with my English degree). Tip your waitresses!


Also, just FYI: there is more than one accent in the UK.

I'm not sure where you're getting your information from, but Panama City drinking water is totally safe, as it is in most of the rest of the country. I've never known anyone to be a victim of sexual assault (although the street harassment is rife), I've never felt at risk of crime (or at least no more than I have in

Panama City, Panama. Not Panama City, Florida.

Hugs for your mama; cancer sucks but thankfully it's no longer the death sentence it once was. It sounds like your family is like mine in that it runs in the women. Get regular checks!

Honestly, people who slag off the NHS kill me, because they just don't understand how lucky we are. Sure, it's not perfect, but it's a damn sight better than anything else going!