

My own personal homage to Breaking Bad.

I don't know where this "choice of doctors/hospitals" comes from. Back home, I have a local surgery which I go to. I can see any of the doctors there. I can't understand why I'd ever need to choose my own hospital; they are all meant to be kept to the same standard and give the same level of care.

I had pretty much the same situation with my grandma! Mastectomy, radiotherapy, 6 more years of care, died of natural causes at 88. Virtual high five for having badass grandmas that kicked cancer's behind whilst in the 80s!

I remember having a conversation with one of my American friends that went like this:

Me: (describes the myriad ways in which I broke many bones and bothered the NHS with my severe eczema as a kid, including going to specialist children's hospitals, and how my friend was diagnosed with Crohn's at 11 at was put on a

That's hilarious. And by hilarious I mean typical.

My grandma was given radiotherapy after her mastectomy. People seem to forget that chemo is very hard on the body and basically poisons you until your cancer fucks off!

A similar thing happened to me in Auckland! I was backpacking with no insurance (stupid) and got a bizarre and ridiculously painful infection in a cut on my finger. Collapsing on the poor receptionist's desk, I said "I am not from here and I don't have any insurance, but something's wrong with me and I don't know what

Do you think that things like this may be due to the massive and terrible funding cuts that Cameron and his men have been introducing?

The only thing to come out of healthcare cuts is reduced healthcare. You can't do your job properly if there is no money for you to do it with.

Our government is a horrendous mix of liars, idiots and evil fucking old Eton Boys who couldn't give a fuck about the country, and Michael Gove is the worst of them.

But at least they PRETEND to play by the rules!

P.S. Agreed wholeheartedly.

I'm sorry, but this is nonsense. The Daily Mail should never be used as a source of actual news, and it's been engaged in a less-than-covert slamming of the NHS ever since the Tories have been trying to dismantle it. This is the newspaper that published a frontpage story saying that Amanda Knox had been found guilty

What kills me about the US system is that it's so mindbogglingly expensive. When I first learned that having a baby costs the average American $20,000 before it's even a day old, I barely believed it.

I currently live in Panama City, and it costs me $30 to see a fully bilingual doctor here. A baby costs around $3000.


Though I'm of the opinion that in 2013 we shouldn't be paying for rich inbreds to lord their wealth over us and have us pay for their weddings, I do quite like Liz as a person as she seems quite badass in a strange kinda way. 10/10 would go for a gin and tonic with.

As a Brit, I have 2 things to say:

1: Your political system is WAY fucked up.

2: You need to get on this socialised healthcare shit ASAP. It is GREAT. You are going to LOVE IT.

I wish she'd cut her hair short again. She's gorgeous as it is, but with Mia Farrow hair she was a work of art.

I apologise for my passive aggressive judgement of your shoe choices!

They may just be the ugliest shoes I've ever seen.

I don't know how you can watch a broken man, hated by his family, on the run from the law, hated by his former partner, having been hidden away for months on end slowly succumbing on his own to lung cancer, dying on the floor of a meth lab while being swarmed by cops, and see that as some sort of noble hero death.
