
My heart swells with the awesomeness of this, and I want to buy about 8 of them for pretty much every little girl I know.

Now playing

If that song was by anyone but Kanye West, I'd assume that it was a parody. As it stands, it's just a piss-poor effort and a godawful song. Seriously, can anyone listen to that? It's like a bad mashup by some highschooler and the video reminded me of this:

Good listing! I would say that my experience pretty much mirrors yours, and though I can't remember whether or not we really talking about LGBT sex there were a whole bunch of gay/bi (not really sure about trans or asexual) kids in my school and that was quite literally never an issue, not even regarding bullying from

He looks a but...permatanned. Is this just the light?

I gotta say, my sex ed was pretty spot on (then again, I'm British). As was the "special presentation" about periods for the girls, which I still think that boys should get too, although not at the same time as I can't imagine being more mortified as a teenage girl than having to sit through a slideshow about the

Sorry, did someone say that there are no giant vagina sky scrapers piercing the atmosphere?

I present to you: The Trump Ocean Club building, Panama City.

Obviously glass of wine with her and Brad by their pool watching the sun go down and listening to Madeleine Peyroux would be pretty ballin, but I'll take anything they got!

She seems to have become a genuinely wonderful person. Haters gon' hate, but 10/10 would sip coffee and talk about world issues with.

I think this is an incredible point. It's obviously hard for us to look at this, but if it can stop real abuse from happening to one, two, ten, a hundred minors, isn't that a good thing?

But say you took that Pillsbury Crescent roll, sprinkled it with broken glass and turned it into an outspoken yoga enthusiast who won't stop trying to talk you into anal — then you have Adam Levine.

This guy. This guy is good people.

Really? That crop top thing was awful but I LOVE this dress.

Legit laughed at "They wanted to see my boobs."

That's true. Still shockingly gorgeous though!

Yep, still in love with her. "Oh no! I just dropped my cocaine! Lol JKS."

No sex / wearing of our flag, please, we're British.

N-word please. This is no more a bowler hat than I am the Queen of England.

UGH GOD I have this problem with my roommate. His girlfriend is rude, insufferable, stupid and just so abrasive to be around. And she gets invited to EVERYTHING, and I mean by him, as barely any of our circle of friends likes her. He even ditches her with us at parties because talking to her is like being hit

At least that would explain the Jenny McCarthy decision.

I totally agree. Sure, she might do some things a bit "wrong". But how about folding her into the feminist movement and teaching her how to do them right rather than ostracizing her for being young and a bit of a tool?