Toys for Tots! I'm going to buy some for T4T and spread the joy (and awesomeness).
British here also. I am rather pleased with the sex ed I got especially compared to all the crazy stories I've read here, but it's not like there weren't problems.
Yup. Love her, love how she's grown, love her commitment to making the world a better place. I would gladly have a cup of tea with her.
Agreed. Coffee, wine, clean her kitchen. Whatever, really. I'll come over any time, Ang!
Yeah I'm sorry… but no. As much as I hate fat shaming and don't think heavier people should have to pay more, like fuck if I'm giving up space I paid for so wider people (not only fat people but also men like my husband with shoulders like a linebacker) can be more comfortable. I dare you to ask me on a flight and…
I just kinda want to look at (as horrible as this sounds) the possibility that dolls like this being available might prevent actual child molestation from occurring. After all pedophilia is a mental illness; child molestation is a crime. So it's all well and good to take a stance against something mentally wrong with…
Agreed. However, it seems like the author is more specifically criticizing Miley's assertion that she is "one of the biggest feminists in the world" (whatever that actually quantifies). As it's been stated, she lacks a truly comprehensive understanding of women's issues, especially when these issues concern race and…
I love CD too, but I think she looks wrong in this show. It just doesn't seem to suit her.
Yup. Do I think she's an asshole and does her public persona annoy the fuck out of me? Yes on both counts. Do I think that gives me the right to deny her self-identification as a feminist? HELL NO.
Taking the pill 5 minutes late was awful enough as far as worry goes. I know it's not that dangerous to take it off by a little bit but I have OCD (for real) and that stuff worries the shit out of me.
It was REALLY good for me for about 2 years and then my body started to have serious issues with it. I had one period that lasted 3 months. I'm not normal, though. I've got endometriosis and have been on some form of hormones for it since about age 13. 13 years later, shit doesn't work right. I was so sad to have…
Toss in her, Meryl Streep, and Anna Kendrick, and we've got a pretty awesome person salad.
It's very Star Wars in the best possible way, you know? I am so into the future-medieval vibe, please let this be the couture of the future asap.
I am feeling that dress hardcore. I need it in my life!!
If only Kate and the other Jezzie staffers realised that the Daily (hate) Mail hates them, just like it hates everyone (barring a small minority of wealthy, white middle class men and women).
yeah, and he knows how all women feel. except for the one that he's married to. real self aware, that one.