
As a dude I cannot answer that.

Good lord! Lighten up. Sometimes we need a little escapism.

I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

I would not encourage nor would I discourage someone either.

Why? This is a pretty standard reaction to someone refusing to comply with a judges order.

Saying “present” in one of the official languages of the state is messing around? And it’s presumptuous to assume his intent was publicity, but even if it was, intending to create publicity isn’t criminal.

If there is an order that this man can not speak his native language in his native Hawaii, that order is unlawful. You cannot put a person in jail for speaking their native language, period.

Yes, I came here to express my disappointment that the link didn’t lead to a YouTube video of cute ferret sneezes.

The internet is shockingly devoid of ferret sneeze gifs. Someone needs to get on that.

Depends, some is, some isn’t. CBD is a cannabinoid that has a bunch of different medical uses but isn’t psychoactive. I’m guessing you got a THC sample, not a CBD sample.

I dunno - acetaminophen can cause acute liver failure. Accidental cannabis ingestion can lead to an unpleasant experience, but it’s not going to hurt anybody (as noted here, the kids were all OK).

Troll. Check out previous comments- some truly batty nonsense.

What part of him being the executive producer is it that you don’t seem to get?

You know, usually when I see people being sympathetic to someone who did something incredibly stupid and potentially dangerous on public roads, I have to wonder what exactly they get out of it. Thanks for making it clear why you think that jail time for doing something that easily could’ve resulted in death is “a bit

Two buck Chuck is for everyone, my elitist friend- Trader Joe’s reaches across the aisle on the daily, and should be lauded for doing so. Addicted livers don’t recognize gerrymandered borders.

They both planned it. They both pulled it off. They both pretended to be totally surprised when it worked. They both claimed it was an accident afterward. They both publically apologized.

He did intentionally rip it off because it was a tear-away bodice. The whole black corset part was supposed to come off, but it malfunctioned somehow, and the cup came off, exposing her breast. It wasn’t really his fault or anyone’s fault; it was quite literally a wardrobe malfunction. Shit happens in live theatre,

same blog that has 5 posts about kardashian trash every single day on their frontpage.