
You have more faith in humanity than I do. Good luck with that.

Because humanity is a pox on this planet. The sooner we’re gone, the faster the planet can heal and live in harmony again. Dogs rule. People are a waste of oxygen.

California does not negotiate with terrorists.

Kanye has become the Hominy Jenkins character from “The Sellout”

Nope. Helps keep the riff-raff out.

I’ve said this on another message board: At best, they are CRIMINALLY ignorant. At worst, they are a (heavily armed) threat to this country. They should be treated as such. 

Manson never hurt anyone. He only ordered the killings.

The contestants are there to WURK, not gush over the hosts.

You are correct. I should have said “single driver”.

I hope you don’t think you can get stereo sound out of a single speaker.

“With school shootings ever other month of course it would have been seen as a threat and reported.”

Shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up.

The wallpapers his production designer finds are wonderful!

Lighten up, Francis.

I got sooooo tired of Carl and that STUPID hat and his STUPID hair that I quit watching. I may start watching again now that Carl is gone. Ugh!

Because no matter what they say, the “Base” will always agree with/support them. The “Base” loves to see old white people thumb their noses at the law and basic facts. Makes them “straight-talkers”.

“then, shit, it boggles the mind who’s handling the most sensitive information our country has.”

Really? Apple Music suggested a playlist of 70's LA punk bands based on my listening habits. Pretty damn specific if you ask me.

Depends on how long you plan on keeping it. My 2003 SportEd. V8 is still running like a champ (140K miles). A quick calculation tells me that my “investment” has been the equivalent of less than $200/mo. and goes down with every month I keep it on the road.