
Challenging and standing up to those who vomit hate and vitriol against others is simply the correct path if you want to live in a better world. The rights of speech in this nation may not make your hateful words illegal, but allowing it to go unchallenged is something decent human beings cannot allow. Not because we

Sorry bro, but the natural progression of Right-wing politics IS fascism. The promotion of strict hierarchy, the stratification of society, the rejection of egalitarianism and xenophobic/isolationist rhetoric ARE the foundation of Conservatism as a political ideology. This is why it appeals so strongly to the blindly

I’m continually amazed that the president of the United States of America attacks anti-fascists as regularly as he does, and gets away with it. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why he does it: because if he loses the support of the racists and the fascists he’ll have no base left. And because he has absolutely no

California does not negotiate with terrorists.

This kitty knows how you feel, Katie.

There is no such thing as Bad Winter when you have a sheepdog.

A fellow homie from the hood of P-22 and the coolest theater in LA?

These two (Kim and Yeezy) have three Black kids.... that Jay-Z and Beyonce won’t let their children have play dates. Mixed raced folks should be free to self-identify, but Kanye’s colorism and Kim’s fetishizing of blackness is not healthy for children.

Fuck Joe Manchin. So much so that I think Democrats in WV should kick his ass out of office. Let the fucking Republican win, how much worse can he really be?

“President Trump” didn’t do anything illegal in 2016! He was just Candidate Trump then!

OK, that explains him. Now, what about the nearly 63 million loons who looked at him and said, “He seems smart”?

part of me think it was said in jest with a twinge of truth.

It’s good to see they’re protesting.

Eww. You can never accessorize a baby with anything.

Who says they are judged more harshly than men? Just go on jezebel on any father’s day - plenty of hateful comments by women about their shitty fathers. I guess seeing women abandoning their families written in an obit in black and white is simply an inconvenient thought for you.

OR she was a narcissist only interested in her own interests at any given time and her kids understood this having had to deal with her. And she moved back because her kids in Cali couldn’t stand her and she thought she could emotionally blackmail the old set of kids into dealing with her. They tried to reconcile,

As an aging Gen-Xer misanthrope who enjoys boozing it up and sarcastically complaining about shit, I must say this looks absolutely delightful.

They gave him three girls names. Highschool couldn’t have been easy

I always find impressive the colour palette he uses in each of his films.