
Have to admit, I felt kinda proud to be Dutch here.

That’s insulting to bongs, water, and resin!

I know I am preaching to the choir, but isn’t this response to Bannon supposedly beneath the presidency? 

They’re only separate physically.

I just watched the special: Dave addresses the anger at the trans community towards him. While it’s not the most, uh, progressive thing ever (“I believe trans people! The fact that they’re willing to cut their dicks off is more than enough proof for me”) he does point out that he in no way thinks trans people should

That is a lot of caps for less than 3 minutes of the actual movie.

Kinja deal?

Oh I am doing both - I am pregnant right now but once I am done breastfeeding I am ON THIS. Some of the best sleep I get is weed sleep. Knowing one glass of wine instead of an entire bottle can help a sister out... I am on this.

It would probably create a terrible pain in her cabeza if you pointed out the she lives in Los Angeles [the angels] and that pretty much every major city in California, including the state capitol of Sacramento, was a Spanish settlement and has a Spanish name. And that within our lifetime Hispanics will become the

Finally won’t need a bottle of wine to fall asleep!!

The thing about “liberal” cities is the AVERAGE is relatively liberal. Humans are diverse, and so there’s never a shortage of whatever-ist dolts. An idiot cursing out whomever here on the streets of San Francisco may get more passive-aggressive glares than elsewhere in the country, but that doesn’t mean the hate

Why would this woman even live in the famously liberal bay area, that has been famously populated beneficially by many Asians for decades, and go to a famously socially and racially integrated retail outlet such as Starbucks?

Exactly. The way it’s worded the statement doesn’t deny that she was escorted off the premises.

I expect SOMEONE walks you to the gate when you’re terminated there. Doubt they’d let you wander around alone on the way out.

The Capitol Police would have been the people in charge of that. I hope someone asks them for a statement.

Trump’s tweet was literally word-for-word what April Ryan said it would be. And she got the timing right too.

“but the Secret Service’s word choice (“termination process”) certainly implies she was fired.”

here for all this mess

How I’d like this story to end...