
“The NFL cannot disrespect our country,” Trump said, before taking a deep breath and continuing.

I think we can all agree that Twitter and Facebook were huge mistakes. The world was a lot better off without them

Chill out. Did you forget what site you’re on? This isn’t an investigative news organization. It’s Kotaku. Tattooing is something Brian is passionate about, so that’s what he’s going to focus on.

And Ron Swanson.

But there is nothing more dangerous, especially in this climate, than a funny, likable conservative character

Ya! I just want cars! Keep all these articles about boats, trucks, planes, go-karts, space shuttles, busses, jet skis, diving bells, back hoes, tanks, blimps, submarines, dune buggies, glidders, bicycles, jets, pirate ships, monster trucks, motocycles, jet packs, and horse buggies out of my feed!

If I were a bakery owner, would I be able to tell Christians that I can’t make their cake because their religious beliefs go against my religious beliefs? My religious beliefs are pretty much militant atheism at this point (a reaction to hypocrisy of organized religion), but would I have any legal ground here? I’m so

Nah they don’t really believe in Satan. It’s literally a religion about sticking it to organized religion.

Is that Hamilton the broadway show or Hamilton Nolan? I suspect the answer is yes.

Countdown until Puerto Rico is added to the travel ban

West Coast, Best Coast.

Yeah, fuck this. If a nuclear war does break out because of Dolt45's twitter bullshit, all of Twitter is just as much to blame because they’re giving this jackass a fucking soapbox where he can regurgitate whatever thoughtless drivel that bubbles out of the bile that is his brain at a moment’s notice. If he had to go

I never had a problem standing for the anthem in the past, but now it feels kind of like picking a side if a do. So my solution lately when at games for the anthem and/or God Bless America (which is absurd to play during the 7th inning stretch) is to always have a huge thing of nachos in my lap, making it impossible

Football in LA during a hot late summer afternoon is more popular than a Trump rally.

“If only there was a major Trump Resort Puerto Rico that’d been trashed Trump wasn’t such a fucking cunt.

Nicely done!

Even holding a press conference to mention that Puerto Rico needs help is still more than Trump has done.

Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony, and Mark Cuban have now done more to assist Puerto Rico’s recovery than the President or Congress.

If Donald feels so strongly that professional athletes should stand for the anthem or be fired, he should buy a professional football team. He would earn billions making all those deals great deals he makes. Really great deals!!!