
I regret that I have only one star to give this.


There is no way to hurry an investigation that could end a presidency. It all must be done to the exact letter of the law, otherwise it is just a political power move, and not the return of the rule of law.

Freedom of Religion these days means Freedom of Christian and Catholic religions to do whatever they want, and if you are neither Christian or Catholic, you are a terrorist or a leftist anarchist who want the government to crumble. Christian morals are the morals of the government, so if you do not follow those, then

Don’t worry, Eeyore, we’ll help you find your tail.

This show is getting so good. Pence AND Miller pulled into the obstruction-of-justice dragnet.... Trump’s scummy lawyer Cohen & that scummy Sater crook schmoozing Moscow real estate deals and Putin hookups with Drumpf.... You can hear the click-click-click of Mueller fitting the pieces neatly together.

This is something often said about Pedro Almodóvar. That his response to the aftermath of the Franco dictatorship was to never revisit any of it in his films. Never mention it. Never allude to it. Never allow it to repress him or his work, ever again. Not give even dead Franco this satisfaction.

When shit hits the fan and he finally falls, I hope it’s just so deeply humiliating, so totally devastating to his ego and his psyche, that he never recovers. I don’t want us to hate him, I want us to forget him. I want us to erase him. That would be the best and most fitting punishment for inflicting himself on the

I will never unsee this.

im still hoping for spontanious combustion mid speech....id settle for a lightning strike

I can’t fault CNN for this one. If this is the “official” communication tool they use internally there, it is easy to argue that it was negligent not to do this sooner. What if a coworker was sexually harassing another coworker through DM and there was nothing CNN could do to pull the records? People would be

Amnesia from a flower pot falling on her head, please. That’s my favorite amnesia. It’s amnesia ambrosia.

Thank you! “Anti-fa” includes white guys who just want to fuck shit up, but so does nearly every other group in American existence. Needlessly obsessing over a small number of dudes who havent killed anyone yet is dumb pearl-clutching that distracts from the fact that the KKK was fucking marching in the streets again.

Because as we all know, evil goes away if you ask it nicely...

“Hey, Trump, you called me a fucking Nazi because I helped those guys Nazis beat some ass black guy,” Ramos said. “Listen, man, when you are defending your people Nazis from getting harmed by the enemy an unarmed black guy, now we have a common enemy so now, yeah, we might actually stand together.”

Hey, look, it’s Satan’s street team!

Fake Hawaiian suit, (and he got)scratched up knees
In his fridgerator, bread, water, cheese
An antique fork, how long will it last?
We’ll see in twelve minutes when he wants the blast!

Providing people with health care.

“he never gave the band authorization to use his tracks, which he called, “not up to his standards of quality.””

When the Secretary of Defense is telling troops “don’t listen to the CIC because he’s full of shit”, that’s generally a really bad thing because at that point why do you have to listen to your Major or Lt., because he might be full of shit, too.