
Man, I really hope so. If the US armed forces stop looking out for each other, you know the country is truly done.

How long ‘til some fascist troll calls this guy the ‘real fascist’ for standing up to fascists??

Yes TOTALLY over-priced (but made in USA so...yay?) Seems their whole vintage-cut line have really high waists and are kinda boxy but I assume this was more for comfort and work rather than fashion.

Cool, but expensive. Oddly, they are cut for a more feminine body type than most jeans that are supposed to be for women.

I’m sorry your museum got smoke bombed. I would love to understand the situation better- what were the individuals protesting? How did you know they were identified as Antifa?

I am so frustrated at this comment thread. Do you believe in destroying fascism? Or should we tolerate Nazis and give them a safe space to threaten people of color and recruit to their genocidal cause. The institutions in this country have absolutely failed to condemn or resist fascism. People are in the streets

“Antifa” have been around for nearly a century. Some are anarchists, some are communists, some are socialists, some are just plain anti-fascists. They started in Europe and likely still have an even stronger presence there than they do here. Anybody who hadn’t heard of them before Charlottesville hasn’t been paying

As if they need help. One guy could show up wearing sunglasses and a black t-shirt, then accidentally bump into a guy holding a Confederate flag and it would be all over the right wing as “Antifa thug brutally assaults hard working American patriot”.

You’d think all the money Texas saves by banning abortions, keep transsexuals out of bathrooms, and making sure you can walk into TGIFridays with you AR-15, they would have enough money to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

“people need to learn what the Confederate flag really stands for it doesn’t stand for slavery”

My coworker deserves more money than me (case in point: she’s not posting on Jezebel right now, I don’t think... if so, hi!), but I’m going to ask for the same amount because the name of the game is to get paid.

Let’s say that over the course of 2 years, 50 million people each pay $1 to see it. What should happen to the money? Or should they not pay $1 to see it? Even if they pay $0.01 to see it, that’s still $500,000 ... what would happen to that?

I remember this horrible craze so clearly—in terms of the horrible, destructive impact on our country and our culture, it was a case of journalistic malpractice as egregious as the political coverage that destroyed Hillary Clinton and gave us Mad Donald.

Hmmmm... When will it stop being Ivanka and Jared and start being (((Ivanka))) and (((Jared)))?

Dead Bath & Beyond

I’ve just run a tube from my butt hole to my nose hole. Long life for me. Rather than just talking about me, let’s talk about you. What do you think of me?

Still don’t really care.

Yeah, let’s preserve the history of the guy who meant to sail East, but instead sailed West and lucked his ass onto some land.

Do you think they would be booed or heckled? My money’s on definitely.

Uch, you guys are just the same as fascists, robbing the Nazis of their freedom of speech with your mean words which is the same thing as violence gawd.