
“Listen, it needs to appear that you’re rolling over like a bitch for the USofA. Otherwise my pee pee looks small.”

Why would I try either when I have a real live moron right here?

Same here. I’m an editor, and the things people have asked me to do as a “favor” are ridiculous! It’s one thing when a friend asks you to read over an important email before they send it. Of course I’ll help, I’d want someone to proof my emails, too!

-Reggie does something stupid

Where’s someone who wants to impress Jodie Foster when you need them?

I had a client like this. I was friends with the guy who ran this theater company (another type of work I generally avoid like the plague these days). He was fine but the board acted like I should be thanking them for the opportunity to work on their graphics and should have no complaints about 29 rounds of changes

I’ve had that too. “We need you to help make the website, we want this sort of style and CSS this and that”. Uhh, what? I do databases mainly.... It’s like asking a chef if he hunts.

I’ve recently stopped offering discounted products to friends (with the exception of a very small group of people) and I feel so bad but I end up losing money otherwise.

Yeah, the friend discount is the way to go. I do the same. If it’s really close friends, that’s something else, but everyone is a “friend” when they want something.

Somewhat related, but I sew. People always want a sewing/tailoring/custom made favor. I have assigned myself exorbitant rates for my sewing work, and my “friend discount” isn’t much of an incentive. Money me! Money now!

My friend has an asshole per diem. He will quadruple his daily rates and if they still say yes he feels it’s worth it.

I do IT, I feel your pain.

Oh, yeah, the people who ask for design “favors” are almost always the most annoying and demanding clients. I always just claim I’m way too swamped to take on their project. It stops the conversation pretty quickly. Because, naturally, the folks looking to get stuff for free have also sat on the project for two months

And this is why, as a graphic designer, I absolutely refuse to design anything wedding related. Getting married seems to bring out the absolute worst in people.

At least the photographer managed to create memories that’ll last forever for the couple.

Over $125???? Nightmare people, calm thy tits. Read thy original contract. Get thee to a nap.

Somebody explain the issue to me. China doesn’t allow VPNs, and apple still wants to sell iPhones in china, so they remove vpns from the App Store. Why is this news?

My husband and I are both EMTs, and the absolute most frustrating and heartbreaking part of the job is seeing our fellow EMTs and medics treat patients like shit. EMTs and medics are chronically underpaid and overworked in this country (and the UK, as I understand it), so I understand fatigue and I understand being

I said basically the same thing as you, but I’m in the grays so I’ll reiterate it here - he might commit suicide because of this.

At least he still has the love of his wife to comfort him during this time.