
Here is just one of the many ways your question is stupid:

Doesn’t he refer to himself as the Mooch? Also, if you don’t want to be portrayed as a stereotype don’t behave like one.

just wait. it gets worse.

And so it begins...

For all its foibles, Disney has been a community filled with inventive, creative, and imaginative artists and dreamers. He was certainly a titan among giants. A life well lived, Marty Sklar.

As an openly bisexual man living in the 21st century, the ACLU has done an outstanding job advocating and fighting for my community over the past, what is it, almost century? and for so many communities in need across the country.

He killed their mother in front of the kids! Jesus wept. I’m going home and crawling into my bong.

I swear I could watch Mimi’s laugh-cry about her exhusband on an hour long loop.

Now playing

A seriously underrated thing from Amy Sedaris is Lil Bub’s Special Special. So absurd.

How about someone punch him in the dick?

John McCain leaving his deathbed to vote on a bill that would conceivably put millions of citizens on deathbeds of their own, is particularly galling Especially this is all to enable the agenda of Trump; a guy who dodged the draft, yet was fine to mock McCain’s service.

Looks annoying!

if Scaramucci delivers on replacing leftover RNC flak with Trump loyalists, it’s about to get a lot worse.

Now playing

This is not exactly a new state of affairs…

There’s a difference between making money from speaking at events and making it from, you know, exploiting your influence over domestic and international policy to turn profits for your various private companies.

They do if they are ducks. Duck triplets would mean that they all hatched from a single egg (with 3 yolks.)

Mate it’s the UK. If you can’t handle the 51 weeks of pissing rainstorms unaided then you’re in the wrong fucking country. 

When she dies they should turn her cremains into one of those corpse gems. Something really shiny and bright. People could take turns stealing her as a neverending tribute.

Where are you getting wishing good health to those working to prevent untold millions from having access to healthcare, effectively sentencing them to preventable, premature death - all for his own personal gain?

Two Samwells, One Cup.