
Miso Hungry

Lol, yeah I’m sure Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Dennis Lehane, Thomas Harris, Dan Brown, Stieg Larsson, Ted Dekker, T.C. Boyle, John le Carré, Frederick Forsthe and so many others are changing their names as we speak, since they can no longer compete with the few female thriller writers you’ve mentioned. *Sigh* 

You missed a boner.

...we’re gonna overlook the fact that the trailer contains yet another use of an edgy remake of a familiar pop song as its background music.

What an asshole

Yep and he was a husband and a brother, too - specific familial relationships authorized by the SC. Federal legislation in other areas also defines grandparents as immediate family. So your point is?

The Toast covered this and it was HILARIOUS:

Pence can eat my asshole, too. But Mother has to watch.

The only thing they planned poorly was the weight/stability of the plinths. “Security” and “velvet ropes” have no place at a gallery installation.

That is my new favorite video. All the stars to you today.

I would do any bron, but got bron is best.

What do you mean “still” uses tracking? Tracking is a property of the font. Kerning is the proprotional distance between letters, tracking is the absolute distance. Do you mean still changes tracking, or messes with tracking? There’s nothing wrong with that:

Replying to myself because I’ve gotten a couple of responses to this comment talking about how people or the internet just want to be “outraged” about something and that’s not really the point I was trying to make here. There are plenty of legitimate things to be outraged about...and there are plenty of people lining

Since wearing gloves while distributing food is apparently now racist, was Twitter equally quick to drag this racist?


Okay, let’s be clear that she certainly should have taken the gloves off when she started talking to people and posing for photos after handing out food, but did you guys really only pull the images of her wearing gloves while she was handing out food and while they were eating (which mean she’d probably JUST been

How I know we are from different generations: you said ‘Panic’ and I immediately thought you meant Panic at the Disco.

But HIS E-mail.

And also for what it’s worth, Smash Mouth dude twitted out this out during Pride month.

Morrissey has very publicly been a huge asshole the last 20ish years but I still have a soft spot for Smiths songs like Panic and How Soon is Now, and solo effort Every Day is Like Sunday. Late 40s now so that stuff was right in my angsty teenage wheelhouse.