
This is a thing the president has tweeted. His tweets are statements of policy, statements of whatever’s on his mind. Where the president got it and where it came from are absolutely of public interest.

Counter Counter Counterpoint:


Chaplin’s belly requires attention.

Nesta the Chow/mix.

Beau, Lhasa Apso impulse-adopted from Animal Control

This isn’t me, but it is my dog - she was in the care of this friend while I was ill, and it’s my favorite photo of her.

Bully breeds for the win! This is our rescue bulldoggo Rufus. He’s obvs a very good boy.

My doggo - Maxwell Von Snort (rescued him about 5 years ago)

My dog is also a rescue. She’s turning 8 this year and she has the whole neighborhood in love with her. This is her chilling with on our next door neighbors on their porch swing.

My new rescue pitty! Her name is Champyin. 1: She looks like Champion from Parks&Rec. 2: I’m in Pittsburgh so if you can add a yinz, you add a yinz.

Max, also a rescue. We adopted him about three weeks ago and can’t even handle how sweet and amazing he is.

Here is my sweet Boston rescue, LuLu, scouting some squirrels like a good dog should.

This is Daisy and Theodore. They are Good Dogs.

Carley is a good baby dog & a pit mix.

Stella!! (or more accurately: STELLLLAAAAA). Aptly named, because I have to holler at her all the time. She’s my darling rescue baby, and she knows she’s a good girl, even when she’s behaving terribly. (Also, I’m not sure why Kinja is rotating my photo, but I can’t seem to fix it.)


Ellie! Not mine, my mom’s via my 16 year old sister. She’s a pretty great dog - but barkey! So barkey!

Jasper looks like my Derpina!