
A dispute between concertgoers at a club...

Does LSD and fireworks count, or no?

Yeah, it’s awesome. I miss stuff from the 90's. Did you ever notice that the singer from the Foo Fighters totally looks like the drummer from Nirvana?

Please tell me it wasn’t KROQ? Because omg that girl is so fired.

C’mon how can they NOT make fun of Trumplethinskin’s Time cover?

They’re role models, basically.

Can I just say how impressed I’ve been with California’s near complete resistance to trumps agenda. It’s quite impressive (and nice to see on the progressive side after red states fought everything Obama did).   

I wasted all my money on avocado toast 😭

I wasted all my money on avocado toast 😭

Its simple. Transgender is believed to arise from a difference in the wiring of the brain vs. physical anatomy. More explicitly, one can be born with a brain hard-wired like a male and the anatomy of a woman.

But there is no such “hard wiring” for ethnicity, and more specifically, our culture. Culture is usually

a.k.a “that guy with the gun” who blew out his flip flop chasing down a couple of kids who stole some hot dogs from a gas station shoots and hits an old lady sitting on a bench.

that’s a bingo

Now playing

Because of that Last Week Tonight? Because goddamn, that part of that episode had me in tears laughing.

We don’t know what kind of person she is. Seems like she might be a less-bright version of Cathy from East of Eden. A fantastic character-study of a psychopath from an age when they weren’t really understood medically. If true she wouldn’t benefit. People know right from wrong at age 17. I remember having a

I’m really trying to be sympathetic to the Republicans who were attacked today. I really am, but...every time I hear them talking, all I can remember is:

“It is hard. There’s a level of viciousness that I was not expecting,”

Came here to pretty much say the same thing. I grew up in California...in fact I was there when Jerry was a young governor, and today I am proud of my former state.

While we’ve got more than our fair share of problems in California, you couldn’t pry me away from here. Very proud of our Democratic representatives right now, particularly Jerry Brown. Stand strong and keep fighting the good fight, Californians will keep pushing for a cleaner, collaborative and more compassionate

I feel you’re being a bit disingenuous when you say no one is there to look. And by disingenuous I mean you’re completely full of crap. Everyone is there to look. To say otherwise is the equivalent of saying you’ve never masturbated in your life.

Uh, the dots are still there and you can dismiss and flag. Just move your cursor over to where the dots should be and they will magically appear.