
I use the mail client because having to use a web browser and internet connection to manage my email is utterly absurd.

As I have said before, Sarah Silverman is totally hot.

Does the dog make it?

Or don’t, because speed reading isn’t actually a thing. You can either skim something and retain essentially bullet points, or read every word at whatever pace your level of literacy allows and retain as much as your memory allows.

TwitterAudit Says 67 Million of Katy Perry’s Followers Are Fake

Lynda Carter is 65 years old.


Dont interpret this as me supporting this budget or anything else Trump related but there should be something done about the subsidies that we give farmers. The amount of corn we grow in this country is goddamn insane and there is no reason for us to be growing it to put in our gas tanks.

after 28 years as a famous South African big game hunter

I’m only sad that the elephant that killed him died.

This whole thing makes me incredible uncomfortable.
I was raped when I was 15 by a close friend, I never said anything about it and kept on hanging out with him afterwards. So, no I don’t think it matters one bit wether she still texted this guy or even had consensual sex with him afterwards.
However, back in the

Legitimate question: is there any room for the presumption of innocence and due process in the court of public opinion? Like, how did you decide who you would believe in this case? I read the same story and my conclusion was: IDK what happened because I wasn’t there.

The accused here doesn’t stand a chance. If he’s a rapist, he deserves to have his life turned upside down. But we can’t know. Not really. Once this accusation has been made, we have been instructed to believe it no matter what, and to analyze the living hell out of everything the accused says in his own defense so as

[Cornell and Roger Ailes sit in Charon’s barge, and open their complimentary meals.]

See, this is important because I was using dog pee to sterilize my surgical tools and cookware. Now I know better.

yeah, and he fought really hard to get elected president of the prom committee because he thought he would get to pick out everything he wanted, only to find out that it’s actually a lot of goddamn work and there are actually restrictions. Budget restrictions, teachers overriding the Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n Roll

1. Yes, the photos used in a story are usually less dramatic and smaller than the cover photo. That’s how things work.

“What do we want?”

I remember being very bored in a class at school an working out how many cups of espresso or caffeinated pills it would take to kill me. After that worked out how many squirrels it would take to blanket the earth assuming it was flat and the amount of generations it would take assuming they were immortal. I found