Eh I'm usually all for calling a spade a spade, and but this looks more like an elf with typical fantasy armor issues.
I don't see why it has to be either/or. I like collecting models. I don't like most of the people at my local gaming stores. I'd play more Warmachine if I didn't have to put up with all the hassle.
Have you tried Bit Trip Runner? I'm partial to the second, I think it would be up your alley.
Me too.
Let's hope there aren't any Canadians reading this.
I have very conflicted emotions about this picture.
I really hope the hissing and scratching would prevent the actual eating of said furry-not-a-rice-ball.
The NES release was the only version I played and I remember it being awesome. Could be nostalgia so now I'm going to have to revisit this now.
Yup, this is a thing now. Nathan DeLuca and Eve Beauregard are the cosplayers at the heart of this BioShock Infinite tribute, falling through the sky in the name of fancy dress.
They only thing it's symbolic of is gullibility.
If something is based on real life military conflicts, it's about human suffering. I don't judge Call of Duty players but I'm deeply uncomfortable playing games with such close connections to real life violence.
It's where we feed all the fake nerd boys to the "lolcats".
It looks like I'll be celebrating my birthday in June this year.
That's one impressive pie hole you've got there Aeron.
Obviously you should have opted for the water resistant model.
And the award for best trolling on a slow news night...