QUOTE | "There's no measuring spoon for love. You can't quantify it. Retention is not the same as happiness."—Laralyn McWilliams, former creative lead on Free Realms, on why metrics can't judge a player's love for a game.
QUOTE | "There's no measuring spoon for love. You can't quantify it. Retention is not the same as happiness."—Laralyn McWilliams, former creative lead on Free Realms, on why metrics can't judge a player's love for a game.
I'm saying that's still not a solution. The better alternative is for Steam to just create tags and allow users to choose them rather than create them. That would reduce the abuse without making it more exploitable.
Other than Bioshock it's the only FPS franchise I've enjoyed in the past ten years. I can definitely wait though, as I'm still having fun with BL2, and would much rather see what they can pull off down the road.
Just to be clear you shouldn't go in to an LSD trip just to get high.
If you drown in it yes, but if it's actual LSD the amount you would have to take for a fatal overdose is psychically impossible to consume.
You've never had real Acid. The come down from actual LSD is fucking beautiful.
It should be apparent but all it takes is organization to topple that system. It's the same principle of "google bombing".
I think the difference here is Gone Home is a game that's more about the story, ambiance and experience in general than it is the game play. I'm not sure I feel like debating the merits of those kinds of games but I can say that I would point at it as an example of minimalism in gaming. On the flip side of that same…
You're forgetting about shielding! They could have just put a shield around the... oh wait, it would stop being an exhaust port at that point...
That would add an additional layer of potential abuse, not prevent it.
For a supposed psychiatrist that blogger seems a little too comfortable throwing around "retarded". I don't know any actual psychiatrists that do that.
If you had to write for Kotaku you'd probably end up there too...
I've never understood marketing games like this or Yahtzee. If you already own dice and paper everything else seems like a waste of money.
I do not but now I'm intrigued.
Or more... But in reality I'd love it if they released the original Final Fantasy as a 3ds virtual console title.
Well that's a problem isn't it? You're basically saying his job is impossible. I would say it's a part of their job to at least get the details right. This is a peripheral but it's not a mouse, and it only took ten seconds of glancing at their Kickstarter to determine that.
:) I just wish it was innate talent and not just a slavish devotion to the repetition.
It sounds like they approached the DLC as they should have, with the same care as the main game. I haven't played The Last of Us so I can't comment on it specifically but I found this article interesting. I love when developers sit down and talk about their process.
Feel free to back that logic train up before it derails.