
Micheal Bay isn't worth the pixels, so I'll let it pass.

No no no we hate them because even Micheal Bay can't get mindless action films right, and everyone that grew up on Transformers is an adult now, and wanted something not only captured the spirit of the genre we loved but did so with some respect and even acknowledgements to the silly nature of the original.

Because Micheal Bay personally shat on the nostalgia soaked memories of the exact people these movies should have been made for.

So has Jezebel apologized for the Lena Dunham debacle?

I think that's overlooking the fact that pain can increase pleasure. That's very much like assuming that all S&M is born out of misogyny which is just silly. I'm not saying there isn't a problem with misogynistic representations of women in porn like there is in every media, just that not everything sexual is a

Oh you've never laughed while having an orgasm huh? That's a shame, it's one of the best things ever.

I couldn't disagree more. You are not going to hurt the imagination of a child by telling them the truth. In fact you're doing them a disservice by not showing them the reality of things.

PA is horrible anyway, don't bother.

Dude this conversation has been going on for a while. A long long while. Do a search for Blood Bowl.

Nice try kid, that was a great hustle, you really showed some guts... but the game is already lost.

Porn stars also make way more money and are treated better by their employers by a long shot. You want to see exploitation? Look not to porn but Monday Night Football.

For some reason Pokémon never gets old, but yet when I played the Bravely demo I just wasn't impressed with the combat system. I'm completely okay with turn based combat, prefer it even, but that style of lining up single file and then making decisions has become boring and Bravely doesn't seem to add anything

And yet in America a business can contribute to crashing the entire nation's economy, ask the government for a bail out, and then give themselves bonuses.

Not surprising given that when they launched the game you had to purchase the game, and pay a sub, and it had an in game cash shop. Out of the gate they were so wrong about their business model many people who had been looking forward to the game immediately lost interest.

It's more nuanced than that. Polyamory is kind of like transgender in that it's a catch all phrase as well as a self descriptor.

Even gay and trans folk have to deal with that. It's referred to as internalized homophobia and internalized transphobia within the community. All part and parcel to the heteronormative package.

I guess it's safe to say the old adage is true, you can never step into the same pixelated river twice.

Congratulations on having perfect diction and a quiet room to play in.

It isn't if you've played Tomb Raider, or asked Google.